Thapsia Garganica

Bou Nefa of the Arabs. Algiers. N.O.Umbellifereæ. The root-bark yields a brown excessively rubefacient resin, with the effects on the skin of croton oil. The plaister, much used in France, contains 1 in 7 of the resin, and is strongly irritating to the skin.

Theine. C8 H10 N4 02

From Camellia Thea. (Thea Viridis and T. Bohea.) N.O. Ternstroemiacea, or Camelliaceæ.

White silky crystals. A bitter feeble base and tonic stimulant. An identical principle is also found in Coffee, Guarana, Paraguay Tea, and Kola Nuts. Dose 1 to 3 grains. It would be preferable to abandon the two names, and use only the word Caffeine.

Theobromine. C7H8N4 02

From Theobroma Cacao. N. 0. Byttneriaceæ.

A white crystalline bitter powder. This alkaloid forms crystalline salts with acids: closely allied to Caffeine, which see.

[Carnine, with one atom more oxygen (C7 H8 N4 0), exists in extract of meat.]

A cardiac tonic, acting as digitalis, by contracting the peripheral arterioles. "Good in dropsy, with small compressible pulse." - Dr. T. Oliver, Lancet, page 201, 1887.

Thermine. Tetra-Hydro-Beta-Naphthyl-Amine. C10 H7. H4. NH2

A limpid, thickish liquid, without colour, but with a powerful odour and strong basic power. It causes mydriasis and elevation of temperature, and hence its name. Its hydrochlorate is in white crystals, soluble in water.


A fluid disinfectant, used for fumigation; formed by the action of sulphurous acid on camphor, which on exposure evolves the sulphur dioxide in steady fumes, and is stable and permanent when contained in closed vessels, but rapidly evolves the S02 on exposure.


Ammonium sulpho-thiolicum.

This synthetical product of hydrocarbons, sulphuretted to 10%, is coming more into use, to replace Ichthyol in skin affections.

It is a dark brown syrupy fluid, s.g. 1.081 at 15° C, soluble in water, and non-irritant.


Best administered in an ointment, 10% to 50%, with fossiline, vaseline, or lanolin.

The dry powder, obtained by evaporation, is 2 1/2 times the strength of the liquid. It can be used as a dusting powder, 1 to 5 parts of talc or starch; and also taken internally in pills, 2 grains a day up to 24 or 30 grains in the day.