Vanillin. C8 H8 03 or C6 H3 (OCH3) (OH). COH

Vanillic Aldehyde.

The odourous principle of Vanilla. Prepared artificially, from the crystalline glucoside Coniferin C16 H29 08 (obtained from the cambium sap of pine trees); also from the eugenol of oil of clove, benzoin, and, since 1881, from nitrobenzol, In long white needles, soluble in alcohol, with the odour and taste of vanilla. In French Codex, 1884.

Therapeutics. Antiseptic. Aids digestion in atonic and putrefactive dyspepsia: dose, 3/4 grain.

Veratrum Viride

Green Hellebore. United States and Canada. N. 0. Melanthacecæ.

The Rhizome of Green Hellebore contains three principal alkaloids - Jervine, Pseudojervine and Cevadine, to which its active properties are due.

Therapeutics. It has been used as a remedy for pneumonia, gout, rheumatism, typhoid fever, and as a cardiac depressant in inflammation generally. To be used with great care, as it may produce severe nausea and exhaustion. One fluid ounce of the fluid extract is equivalent to one ounce of the rhizome. Dose of the fluid extract, 1 to 4 minims.

Verbascum Thapsus

Mullein. Indigenous. N. 0. Scrophulariacea. (French "Bouillon blanc")

Large leaves, resembling Digitalis, but thickly coated with branched stellate hairs. Demulcent. Long used on the Continent.

Therapeutics. A general palliative in pulmonary consumption. Boil 1 ounce dried or 3 ounces fresh leaves in a pint of milk 10 minutes, strain and drink hot. Dose of fluid extract, 10 to 30 drops.

"It is valuable in increasing weight in consumptive cough." - Dr. Quinlan, Brit. Med. Jour., Jan. 27th, 1883.

Vinca Major

Periwinkle. The only British genus of N. 0. Apocynaceæ. (French "Pervenche.")

Astringent. It arrests menorrhagic and other haemorrhages. Dose of fluid extract (1 part in 1) 1 to 2 drachms.

Viscum Album

Misletoe. Indigenous N. 0. Loranthacece.

A well-known English parasitic plant. The fluid extract is made from the whole plant.

Therapeutics. Has been used with success as a substitute for Digitalis in heart disease: also like Ergot. Dose, 1/2 drachm to 1 drachm of fluid extract, 1/4 to 1/2 ounce of tincture.