Xanthoxylum Fraxineum

Prickly Ash. N.O. Rutaceæ (or Xanthoxylaceæ)

Bark, root, and berries. The bark is in quilled pieces, with pungent bitter taste and little odour.

Therapeutics. Permanent, pungent aromatic stimulant, especially in chronic rheumatism. Dose of fluid extract, 10 to 30 minims. [_Xanthoxylin from bark. Dose, 1 to 2 grains.] Xanthoxylum Caroliniaum has similar properties.


Thin, White, Oily, Liquid. C8 H10.

A coal-tar hydrocarbon; proposed as an external remedy for smallpox; now neglected: dose, 3 to 15 minims.

Yerba Buena

Micromeria Douglasii. California. N. 0. Labiateæ.

Herb. Aromatic, slightly bitter. Tonic, laxative, and alterative. Dose of fluid extract, 1 fluid drachm.

Yerba Rheuma

Frankenia Grandiflora. (F. grandifolia.) California. N.O. Frankeniaceæ.

A sea-side, grey-green inodorous herb. Catarrh, dysentery, and discharges from all the mucous membranes. Dose of tincture, (8 ounces to pint proof spirit), 30 to 60 drops; fluid extract, 10 to 20 minims.

Yerba Santa

Eriodictyon Californicum. N. America. N. 0. Hydrophyllacea.

Pale-green, thickish lanceolate leaves, shining and brittle from their resinous nature.

TheRapeutics. Have a pleasant balsamic odour and taste. Used in bronchitis, especially combined with Grindelia robusta. Dose, fluid extract, 1 fluid drachm;, tincture, 1 to 2 fluid drachms. The syrup (1 of fluid extract in 7), masks taste of Quinine and other bitters.

Zanthorrhiza Apiifolia

Yellow Boot. U. States. N. 0. Ranunculacecæ.

The root has a yellow interior, and is bitter, like Coptis, from presence of Berberine. Tonic. Dose of fluid extract, 1/2 to 1 drachm.

Zea Mays (Maize) Stigmata

Corn silk; i.e., the fresh green pistils. N. 0. Graminaeecæ.

The thread-like stigmata (taken after shedding of pollen of stamens) yield 25 % of watery extract, of which a teaspoonful may be taken daily in dropsy, etc. Demulcent, diuretic. Active principle is believed to be maizenic acid. For catarrh of bladder, gravel, and nephritic colic. Tincture (1 in 5 proof spirit) or syrup; dose, 1 to 2 fluid drachms daily: - Lancet, July 21st, 1883, and October 31st, 1885. Dose of fluid ext. 15 to 60 drops.

"Of value in renal colic, pyelitis and chronic cystitis." - Lancet, Sept. 24th, 1887. .