Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics | by F. Harwood Lescher
All branches of Medical Science have taken great strides of late years. In Surgery, Spencer Wells and Lister, in Biological Medicine, Pasteur and Koch, have made clear steps in advance; and Therapeutics have become more rational, based on more accurate knowledge and a more extended field. And here an advanced state of information about new Materia Medica must be a decided help to the medical practitioner. Although there are many well-known remedies, superior in general practice to those mentioned in the following pages, yet every medical man has occasionally cases in which he would be glad to "ring the changes," and humour the system of his patient by trying a new medicine...
Title | Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics |
Author | F. Harwood Lescher |
Publisher | J. & A. Chuechill |
Year | 1891 |
Copyright | 1891, J. & A. Chuechill |
Amazon | Recent materia medica |
Fourth Edition.
By F. Harwood Lescher, F.C.S. Pereira Medallist, Commander Of The Portuguese Order Of Christ, Author Of "The Elements Of Pharmacy," Auditor Of The Pharmaceutical Society Of Great Britain
- Introduction
- All branches of Medical Science have taken great strides of late years. In Surgery, Spencer Wells and Lister, in Biological Medicine, Pasteur and Koch, have made clear steps in advance; and Therapeuti...
- Acetanilidum. Acetanilide. C 8 ON or C6 H5 NHC2 H3 0. Acetanilid Or Phenyl-Acetamide. Antifebrin
- This substance, made by Gerhardt in 1853, and reported on therapeutically by Kussmaul, of Strasbourg, in 1886, is derived from Anilin, to which it is chemically closely allied; it quickly came into us...
- Acid Lactic. C3 H6 O3
- Characteristics. A sour liquid resembling glycerine or syrup, without odour or colour, containing 75 % of Absolute Lactic Acid; s.g., 1.212. Produced by the lactic fermentation of certain saccharine a...
- Acid Osmic. Os. O4
- Acid Hyperosmic. A Pungent, Poisonous Acid, From Osmium. Characteristics. Transparent yellow needles, becoming soft on being warmed, and giving off a highly irritating vapour even at the ordinary tem...
- Acid Paracresotic
- From Cresols, ortho, meta and paracresotic acids are obtained. Cresotate of Sodium was used fifteen years ago. Paracresotic acid is non-toxic; it is a crystalline, bitter powder, soluble in warm w...
- Apomorphia Hydrochlor. C17 H17 N02 HCI
- Minute, shining, whitish-grey crystals; bitter, and turning greenish on exposure. Soluble in water.. Therapeutics. Hyperdomically, a safe, certain, and quick emetic. Dose, 1/10 grain dissolved in alc...
- Aristol. Dithymol-Iodide. Di-iodo-di- Thymol
- A new Iodine compound, a substitute for Iodoform, is a combination of Iodine (45.8) and Thymol, first prepared by Messinger and Vortman, by adding an alkaline solution of thymol to a solution of iodin...
- Benzoyl-Cuaiacol. Benzosol
- A compound of Benzoic Acid with pure Guaiacol; a colourless tasteless crystalline powder, insoluble in water, soluble in chloroform, ether, or hot alcohol; it contains 54 % of Guaiacol. For phthisi...
- Cascara Sagrada
- Rliainmis Purshiana. California. N. 0. Rhamnacea. Characteristics. Bark. Largish pieces, rather flat and thin, breaking short; pale yellowish brown, with adherent brown outer bark, and dark fibrous i...
- Chaulmoogra Oil
- Gynocardia odorata. India. N. 0. Bixacece. A forest tree, with a fleshy fruit, larger than an orange, containing many very oily seeds. [Active principle is Gynocardic acid, which see. The whitish oil...
- Coca
- Erythroxylon Coca,. N. 0. Erythroxylacea(orbysomeLinacccc). Leaves: oval, lanceolate, slightly coriaceous: the peculiarity of the genuine is the line running up on either side of the midrib: should b...
- Cocaine
- The active principle {Alkaloid) of Erythoxylon Coca. C16H19NO8. Characteristics. Colourless crystals, hardly soluble in cold, easily in warm acidulated water, alcohol, and ether. Therapeutics. It is...
- Cocaine Hydrochlorate
- A very soluble salt. Dose, 1/8 to 1 grain: a few drops of a 2 per cent solution has decided anaesthetic power on the vocal cords, as well as on the cornea and conjunctiva. Liquor Cocainae Hydrochlora...
- Convallaria Majalis
- Lily of the Valley. 2V. O.Liliacea. (French Muguet) Long highly esteemed as a domestic remedy in Russia. Rhizome, whole herb and flowers, but the fresh root seems to have most power. Therapeutics....
- Corsican Moss
- Gigartina (Fucus) Helminthocorton. Mediterranean. N. 0. Alga. Generally seen in continental pharmacies as a brown mass, composed of many different Algae, but principally the above. Used as a vermifug...
- Coto Bark
- South America. Two sorts; the true, from interior of Bolivia, contains Cotoin; it is reddish-brown, resembling some Cinchonas, flat, heavy, and also in quills; the interior layers are the darkest. Th...
- Creolin
- A new antiseptic. Creolin consists of a mixture of the sodium salts of some resinous acids with creolin oil and pyridines. It is made from pit-coal by distillation, and is a brownish-black syrup, inso...
- Cundurango Blanco
- About 10 different plants go under this name in New Granada. Bark. Small irregular broken quills, with pale brown fibrous outer, and still paler starchy, pulverulent inner bark. Therapeutics. At fir...
- Dogwood, Jamaica
- Piscidia Erythrina. S. America. W. Indies. N. 0. Legvmxinosce. This shrub has bright red blossoms: in 1844 its anodyne properties were recognised in the United States. Root-bark: in thinish, tough, ...
- Ergot In
- Dark brown aqueous extractive from Ergot (the diseased grains of Secale cereale, attacked and altered by the fungus Cordiceps purpurea) produces uterine contractions: this is the true mixed extract, m...
- Ergot Inc. C50 H52 N2 03
- This alkaloid has been used hypodermically in doses of 1/10 grain: in a solution of 1 part in 10 of glycerine, excellent in haemoptysis: it is probably identical with the alkaloid Ecboline. Wenzell pr...
- Eucalypti Gummi
- Eucalyptus Kino. Bed Gum. Botany Bay Gum. Victoria. A ruby-coloured exudation. - 1890. Add. to B. P. 80 per cent, soluble in cold water, almost entirely so in alcohol. Powerful astringent, more de...
- Eugenol
- Eugenic or Carophyllic Acid. C10H12O2. The principal portion of oil of cloves. Exists also in Pimento, Canella alba, etc. A colourless oil, becoming brown. Characteristics. An oily, colourless liqui...
- Eupatorium Perfoliatum
- Boneset. North America. N. 0. Composita. Leaves and flowering tops; mild diaphoretic tonic, especially in catarrh. [Evpatorin, or Eupurpurin, the resinoid active principle. Dose, 1 to 3 grains. Aperie...
- Exalgine
- Orthomethyl acetanilid. C6 H11 NO. = C6 H5-N (0 H3) CH3 CO. One of the three methyl derivatives of Acetanilid. In needles or large white tablets, slightly soluble in cold, more in hot water, and very...
- Extracts
- Fluid. Many are officinal in the U. S. A. Pharmacopoeia: they represent measure for weight, 1 gramme of the powdered drug being represented by 1 cubic centimetre of the fluid extract: each minim repr...
- Garcinia Indica
- (G. Purpurea). India. N. 0. Guttiferce. The fleshy fruit is called Kokum, and the seeds yield a white dry greasy mass of concrete oil of Mangosteen or Kokum Butter, which would take the place of la...
- Glusidum
- Saccharin. Benzoyl-Sulnhnnic. ImiA Characteristics. A coal tar derivative, discovered by Dr. Fahlberg, of New York. It is a sweet imide derivable from the toluene of coal tar, 1890 Add. to B. P....
- Guaiacol
- Methylpyrocatechin. C6 H4. OH. OCH3 Originally obtained from Ouaiacum resin. A component part, about 60 per cent, or more, of wood creasote, of which it has the odour and taste; a colourless liquor, ...
- Hamamelis Virginica
- Witch-hazel. North America. N. 0. Eamamelacea. Characteristics. The dried bark and dried leaves are in the 1890 add. to B. P.; the fresh aromatic green twigs are also used; the leaves are in U.S.A. Ph...
- Homatropinae Hydrobromas
- Hydrobromate of Homatropine. C16H21N03, HBr. Homatropine is an alkaloid obtained by Prof. Ladenburg by action of hydrochlorates on tropine amygdalate (phenyl) or benzo glycolic acid. White crystallin...
- Hyoscyamine. C17H23NO3
- From Hyoscyamus Niger. N. 0. Solanacece. Alkaloid, in snow-white cubes, which are masses of microscopic needle crystals. Scarcely soluble in cold, more so in hot, and readily in acidulated water. Th...
- Hyoscine Hydrobromate, Hydrochlorate, And Hydriodate
- Besides Hyoscyamine, a second alkaloid has been found in Henbane by Ladenburg, of Kiel, viz.: Hyoscine. The difference between Hyoscyamine and Hyoscine is shown especially in their different chemical ...
- Hypnon
- C8 H8 0 or C6 H5 CO CH3 or CO (CH3) (C6 H5). Phenyl-Methyl-Ketone. Acetophenon, or Acetyl-benzol. This substance is a Ketone in which the group CO is associated with the two alcoholic radicals C6 H5 ...
- Ichthyol
- Sodium Sulpho-ichthyolas. C26 H36 S3 Na2 O6 A tarry-looking product from a brownish bitumous mineral, having animal residues of fish, etc, found in Seefeld, in Tyrol. Purified by distillation and tre...
- Iodoform
- CHI3 Teriodide of Methenyl. . (Chloroform, C H Cl3 is the terchloride of Methenyl.) Characteristics. Small lemon-yellow lustrous crystals, or powder. Therapeutics. A valuable antiseptic, destroying ...
- lodol
- Tetraiodopyrrol. Tetraiodide of Pyrrol. C4I4N.H. Discovered by G. Ciamician and P. Silber, of Rome, in 1885-6. Characteristics. A fine crystalline powder, yellowish white, without smell or taste. It...
- Jambul
- Syzygium Jambolanum. Eugenia Jambolana. Western India (hills). N. O. Myrtacece. ChaRacteRistics. The edible fruit, of bluish-black colour, pulpy, is astringent; also the bark. The fruit stones are us...
- Kava-Kava
- Avt-ava. Piper Methysticum. Pacific Islands. N. 0'. Piperacea. Pale whitish spongy rhizome and rootlets, with slight unpleasant odour and rather hot taste. Kava, the intoxicating drink of the Pacific...
- Mercury Thymol-Acetate
- For intramuscular hypodermic injections in syphilis. Mercury Thymol-acetate 1 gramme [15 grains]. Glycerin .. 10 grammes [2 fl. dr.]. Cocaine Muriate ...
- Naphthalin. Naphthalene. C10 H8
- A distillate of coal tar. In brilliant white crystalline plates, with tarry odour, and pungent taste. Volatile; scarcely soluble in water, but soluble in hot alcohol, and warm fatty oils: melts at 176...
- Naphthol Or Beta Naphthol. C10H7OH
- Naphthalin hydroxyl. White shining rhombic tabular crystals, or slightly aromatic, colourless, a product from coal tar. Soluble in spirit and fat, and readily absorbed by the skin. Melts at 251.6 0. ...
- Oleates By Solution
- These are prepared by slowly dissolving the metallic oxide or alkaloid in oleic acid, without heat: they are solutions of the oleates in an excess of oleic acid : (Marshall's formula). They should no...
- Oleates By Precipitation
- Chemically true oleates have been introduced by Dr. Shoemaker, of Pennsylvania, and used by Dr. James Sawyer: obtained by double decomposition of sodium oleate (a solution in 8 parts of water) with so...
- Orexin Hydrochlor
- Hydrochloride of Phenylhydrochinazolin. A new stomachic and digestive agent, toning up the functions of the stomach. A bitter, whitish crystalline powder, soluble in hot water and alcohol, though Ore...
- Papain Or Papayotin
- From Carica Papaya {which see). Several carnivorous plants dissolve animal flesh by their secreting a pepsine-like ferment; such is Papain. It resembles Pancreatin, and, unlike pepsine, it dissolves ...
- Peptones
- Artificially digested meats. Substances produced by the action of the acid gastric juice (or pepsine) upon insoluble proteids or albume-noids in acid solutions, and of the pancreatic juice in alkaline...
- Peroxide Of Hydrogen. H2 02
- Therapeutics. It gives oxygen to the blood, improves digestion, and does good in the spasms of whooping cough and dyspnoea. Solution, 1 to 10 strength. Dose, 1 drachm to 1/2 ounce fluid, freely dilute...
- Phenacetinun. Paracetphenetidin. Phenacetin
- A crystalline substance produced by the action of glacial acetic acid on para-phenetidin, a body obtained from phenol. Characters. Colourless, tasteless, inodorous, glistening scaly crystals. Mel...
- Phenazonum. Antipyrin. Dimethyloxychinizine
- A crystalline substance obtained from Phenyl-hydrazine. - 1890. Add. to B. P. This rival to Quinine is artificially produced from coal-tar products, in aniline dye manufactories, by a very compl...
- Pichi
- Fabiana Imbricata. Peru, Chili. N. 0. Solanaceæ. Characteristics. A woody shrub growing on rocky hill-tops, with plume-like sprays, the small densely crowded leaves much resembling those of a conifer...
- Pilocarpine. C23 H34 N4 0 (or C11 H16 N2 02)
- The active principle of Jaborandi. White liquid alkaloid, of which the salts are used. It has been produced artificially from a derivative of Pyridin, being the second alkaloid (the first was Conia) ...
- Pyoktanin
- Introduced as a perfect antiseptic, it should have a good trial; a powerful aniline dye, destroying bacteria in living organisms, its name signifying Pus-destroyer. It disinfects a septic wound. A...
- Pyrodin
- Hydracetin. Acetphenylhydrazin. A new antipyretic, the active ingredient of which is Acetylphenylhy-drazine, or C6 H5 .NH2 .C2 H30. It is an aniline product, akin to Antithermim, and is a colourle...
- Resorcin
- C6 H6 02. = C6 H4 (OH)2. Meta-dihydroxyl-benzol. Named because at first produced from a gum resin (Galbanum), and isomeric with Orcin (from Archil). A neutral crystalline body, soluble in alcohol, et...
- Rhus Aromatica
- Sweet or Fragrant Sumach. N. America. N. 0. Anacardiaceæ. Characteristics. The shrub producing the root-bark from which the fluid extract is made exhales an aromatic odour, from which circumstance it...
- Salix Nigra
- Pussy willow, Black willow. N.America. N.O. Amentaceæ. This tree, with lanceolate leaves and soft catkins, grows on the banks of streams in the Southern States of North America: its bark is used. Th...
- Salol
- Salicylate of Phenol (Sahli) or Salicylate of phenyl (Moss). Phenyl Ether of salicylic acid. C13 H10 03 = C6 H4 OH COO (C6 H5.) Prepared by heating together salicylate and phenate of Sodium with phos...
- Saponin. C32H54O18
- From the root of Saponaria Officinalis (N. 0. Caryophyl-laceee) and the bark of Quillaia Saponaria (2V. 0. Rosacecæ). Probably also contained in the fruit of Sapindus Saponaria, West India Soap Nuts (...
- Sozoiodol, Di-Iodoparaphenol-Sulphonic Acid
- Generally used as Sodium-Sozoiodol or C6 H212 S03 Na (OH) + 2 H2 0, or OH S03Na+2H20 This is a compound of iodine (53 %), carbolic acid (20 %), and sulphur (7 %), and is an antiseptic and substitute ...
- Sparteine. C15 H26 N2
- (Or C8 H13 N. Dragendorff)From Spartium Scoparium, (Cytisus scoparius). Another alkaloid and a stronger diuretic than Scoparine. A colourless liquid; the sulphate is a white crystallisable powder, ea...
- Spermine
- Piperazidine. Pyrazidine. Piperazine. Diethylendiamine. Ethyleneimine. The above six names are those of the same compound, synthetic Spermine. In 1878 Schreiner obtained a crystalline base, C2H5N...
- Strophanthus
- Tropical Africa. N. 0. Apocynaceæ. A woody forest climber; the Kombe arrow-poison of Africa. It has been investigated by Prof. Fraser, of Edinburgh, from 1870, and reported on by him in British Medi...
- Sulphonal. Diethylsulphondimethylmethan (CH3)2C. (C2H5S02)2
- An oxidation product of the union of ethyl-mercaptan and acetone, introduced by Kast in 1888. Characteristics. Colourless, inodorous, nearly tasteless crystals; neutral to test paper; melting at ...
- Terpin Hydrate. C10 H16 (H2 0)2 H2 0
- Characteristics. Is produced by mixing nitric acid, alcohol and turpentine. In large or small transparent rhombic crystals, which lose one atom of water at 212 F., becoming Terpin C10 H16 (H2 0)2...
- Thallin
- C10 H13 ON = C9 H10 CH3.NO = C9 H6 (O.CH3). (H4) N. Tetra-hydro-paramethyl-oxychinolin. A chinolin derivative, produced by Dr. Skraup, in 1884, from coal tar. Characteristics. - Crystalline whitish ...
- Tuberculin; Koch's Lymph
- The German Government has taken up the sale of this as a specialite for tuberculosis since February, 1891; it is to be obtained now under the name of Tuberculin, in tubes. It is a brownish neutral li...
- Ulexine
- From Ulex Europæus or Furze. Indigenous. N. 0. Leguminosæ. From the seeds, discovered by A. W. Gerrard. A powerful organic base, soluble in water, insoluble in ether. Its salts as Sulphate, Nitrate,...
- Urethane
- Ethyl- Urethane. CO (NH2) (O.C2 H5.) Ethyl ether of carbaminic acid. Ethyl Carbamate. This substance was proposed as a hypnotic by Prof. 0. Schmiede-berg of Strasbourg, in 1885, who named it Urethane...
- Viburnum Prunifolium
- Black Haw. United States. N. 0. Capri-foliacece. ChaRacteristics. Thin, easily detached bark, in purplish warty pieces, soon breaking up; with whitish interior, darker on surfaces; bitter taste and r...
- Table Of Synonyms Of American And Other Herbs
- Resinoids or concentrations and doses. American Ivy. Ampelopsis quinquefolia Ampelopsin, 2 to 3 gr. Avens (root). Geumrivale............ Agaric. Boletus...
- Abrus Precatorius - Acid Cresilic, Or Cresylic. Cresol. Cresylol. C6 H4 CH3 0H
- Abrus Precatorius (See Jequirity.) Acetphenetidin (See Phenacetin.) Acid Anisic. Methylic Ether Of Para-Oxy-Benzoic Acid. C6 H4 (O.CH3) COOH Colourless crystals, scarcely soluble in water, bu...
- Acid Gynocardic. C14 H24 O2 - Acid Phenyl-Acetic. C6H5CH2COOH
- Acid Gynocardic. C14 H24 O2 Crystallizing in plates: Dose, 1/2 to 1 grain. The active principle of Chaulmoogra Oil, which see. Acid Hippuric. HC9H8N03 This acid, made from horses' and cows' urine...
- Acid Phenyl-Propionic. C6 H6 (CH2s)2 COOH - Adansonia Digitata. Baobab Tree. Africa. N. O. Sterculiacea
- Acid Phenyl-Propionic. C6 H6 (CH2s)2 COOH White crystals, used as the above. These two acids are supposed to kill the tubercle microbe. Acid Salicylic. C7H603 Used now, made up in a plaister, for...
- Adeps Lanse. Wool-fat. Cholesterin - Adonidin
- Adeps Lanse. Wool-fat. Cholesterin Known to ancients as Aesipum. A mixture of Cholesterin fats: exists in hair, blood, bile, gall stones, and is found abundantly in wool-grease. Adeps Lanae is anhy...
- Aenaiithc Phellandrium. (Lamk.) Phellandrium Aquaticum. Water Fennel. N. O. Umbelliferce - Allyl Tribromide. Br3C3H5
- Aenaiithc Phellandrium. (Lamk.) Phellandrium Aquaticum. Water Fennel. N. O. Umbelliferce The seeds are used in Germany to quiet coughs, allay restlessness, and give expectoration. Dose, fluid extract...
- Aletris Farinosa. True Unicorn, Colic Root, Blazing Star. South America. N. 0. Haemodoraceoe Or Liliacece - Alstunia Scliolai'is. Dita Bark; Philippines, India
- Aletris Farinosa. True Unicorn, Colic Root, Blazing Star. South America. N. 0. Haemodoraceoe Or Liliacece A perennial with a spike of white flowers. The rhizome, mealy, bitter, odourless, is employed...
- Alvelos - Anacardium Occidentale. Cashew Tree, West Indies. N. 0. Anacar-Diacece
- Alvelos Probably From Euphorbia Heterodoxa, Brazils, S. America. N.O. Euphorbiacea. The caustic, milky juice has been used in the Brazils to cure cancerous ulcers. A profuse suppuration (as with Jeq...
- Anagraecum Fragrans. Faham. N. 0. Orchidaceae - Apocynum Cannabinum. Black Indian Hemp. Canadian Hemp. N. America. Root
- Anagraecum Fragrans. Faham. N. 0. Orchidaceae An orchid growing in Bourbon (Reunion). The fragrant leaves are used on the Continent in tisanes. In French Codex, 1884. Anemonin. C15 H16 06 From Pu...
- Apomorphia. C17 H17 NO2 - Arsenic Bromide
- Apomorphia. C17 H17 NO2 Morphia less a molecule of water. {Morphia is C17H19N03). Produced from morphia, by heating in vacuo with hydrochloric acid: from this hydrochlorate, the pure alkaloid is obta...
- Asarum Canadense. Canada Snake-Root. N. America. N. 0. Aristolochiacece - Aspidospermine. C22 H30 N2 02
- Asarum Canadense. Canada Snake-Root. N. America. N. 0. Aristolochiacece Used for ascarides in children, in infusion or syrup, or chewed like licorice root. Asarum Europaeum. Asarbacca Indigenous,...
- Atherosperma Moschata. Australian Sassafras. Victoria And Tasmania. N. 0. Atherospermaceae - Betol β Naphthalol, Naphto Salol. C10 H7 0C7 H5 O2=(C10 H7) OOC. C6 H4 OH. Salicylic Ether Of Beta Naphthol
- Atherosperma Moschata. Australian Sassafras. Victoria And Tasmania. N. 0. Atherospermaceae Diaphoretic and diuretic in pulmonary affections and asthma. Tincture, 2 oz. bark to pint rect. spirit. Dose...
- Betula Alba. Birch. N. Europe. (Indigenous.) N. 0. Betulacece - Boldo. Peumus Boldus (Boldoa Fragrans). Brazils. N, 0. Monimiacece
- Betula Alba. Birch. N. Europe. (Indigenous.) N. 0. Betulacece Tar is made from it in Russia, with the odour of Russia leather; this is the German birch tar: also a purified oil, Oleum betulinum, 01. ...
- Boletus Laricis - Buxine
- Boletus Laricis (See Agaric.) Bonduc Ccesalpinia Bonducella. C. Bonduc. Asia, etc. N. 0. Leguminoscae. Characteristics. The seeds are grey from the former, and yellow from the latter. In Indian ...
- Cactus Grandiflora. Night Blooming Cereus. N. 0. Cactaeeoe - Caffeine Sodio-Benzoate, Etc
- Cactus Grandiflora. Night Blooming Cereus. N. 0. Cactaeeoe Used in functional palpitation of the heart. Dose, tincture (4 ounces to pint rect. spirit), 1 to 5 drops, three times a day. Dose of fluid ...
- Cahinca, Chiococca Allguifuga - Cannabine Tannate
- Cahinca, Chiococca Allguifuga Raiz preta. Brazils. N.O. Rubiacea. Large woody pale-brown root, with little taste and no odour. A powerful diuretic in dropsy, etc. Dose, extract 10 to 20 grains; fluid...
- Cannabine - Caroba
- Cannabine The alkaloid - brown syrup; Cannabinon is the soft brown resin; sedative; dose 1/4 to 1 grain; hypnotic, dose 1 grain. Cantharidin From Cantharis vesicatoria. Europe. N. 0. Coleoptera. ...
- Cascara Amarga - Cedron
- Cascara Amarga Picramnia. Mexico. N. 0. Simarubacece. The bark is a tonic alterative, especially anti-syphilitic. Dose of fluid extract, 1 drachm, 3 times a day. Elixir of Cascara Sagrada Formul...
- Cereus - Chinolin. Quinolin. C9 H7 N
- Cereus (See Cactus.) Ceylon Moss Sphaerococcus or Gracilaria Lichenoides. N. 0 Alga. A greenish purple seaweed on coasts of Ceylon. When dry, it is in opaque white filaments. Demulcent, emollien...
- Chloralamide - Cimicifuga (Actaea) Racemosa
- Chloralamide Suggested by Von Mering. It is a combination of chloral ana formamide. In colourless crystals, dissolving in 9 parts of water (cold, not hot water, which might decompose it), with mi...
- Cinchonamine - Colchicine. C17H23N06
- Cinchonamine From bark of Remijia Purdieana. . N. 0. Bubiacea: C19 H24 N2 0. The neutral sulphate is (C19 H24 N2 0)2 SO4 H2. An alkaloid, of which the sulphate and hydrochlorate are employed. It lo...
- Collinsonia Canadensis - Convallamarin. C23H44O12
- Collinsonia Canadensis Stone root. Horsebalm. North America. N.O. Labiatce. Its rhizome is a tonic sedative alterative, in gravel and catarrh of bladder and vagina, and in relief of haemorrhoids. Va...
- Convallarin. C34H62011 - Coumarin. C9H602
- Convallarin. C34H62011 Glucoside of above. Crystalline, soluble in alcohol. Purgative, but seems of no value; resembles saponin. Dose, 3 to 4 grains. Copper Arsenite A valuable intestinal remedy...
- Crotalus - Dermatol
- Crotalus A remedy prepared from the venom (which consists of a globulin and a peptone-like albumose proteid), of the rattlesnake (Crotalus Horridus); has been recommended in diptheric scarlatina. Its...
- Digitalin. C5H802 - Doundake
- Digitalin. C5H802 Light, white needle crystals, in clusters; very bitter. The active crystallizable glucoside, very sparingly soluble in water, stimulates the cardiac muscles. Dose, 1/50 grain in pil...
- Drosera Rotundifolia - Embelia Ribes
- Drosera Rotundifolia D. longifolia. Sundew. Indigenous. N. 0. Droseracea. This little carnivorous plant has been recommended in asthma, bronchitis, and other diseases of the air passages. Dose of flu...
- Emetine. C20 H30 N2 05 - Ethyl Chloride. C2 H5 CL
- Emetine. C20 H30 N2 05 From Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. N. 0. Rubiacea. Alkaloid, the active principle, discovered in 1817, bitter and amorphous, without odour or colour: it exists less than 1 per cent, ...
- Eucalyptus Amygdalina - Euonymin
- Eucalyptus Amygdalina E. oleosa (F. v. Muller). Australia. N. 0. Myrtacea. Essential oil; antiseptic; externally in rheumatism, internally for coughs, 5 drops on sugar. Its inhalation is valuable i...
- Euphorin. Phenyl- Urethane, Phenyl-ethylic Urelhane - Fucus vesiculosus
- Euphorin. Phenyl- Urethane, Phenyl-ethylic Urelhane Carbamate of Ethyl and Phenyl. Produced by action of chloro-carbonate of ethyl on aniline. A white crystalline powder, of faint aromatic taste ...
- Furfurfine. C15 H12 N2 03 = (C5 H4 0)3 N2 - Geranin
- Furfurfine. C15 H12 N2 03 = (C5 H4 0)3 N2 An organic base, discovered by Fownes, formed from Furfuramide, which is from Furfurol, C4 H3 0. COH, a product of the action of sulphuric acid on wheat bran...
- Glonoin - Guarana, Paullinia Sorbilis
- Glonoin (See Nitro-Glycerine.) Gossypium Herbaceum Cotton Plant. N. 0. Malvaeea. Root Bark. A powerful abortifacient; used as such by negroes in Southern States. Used as an emmenagogue in amenor...
- Guaranine. C8 H10 N4 02. H2 O - Helenin
- Guaranine. C8 H10 N4 02. H2 O Active principle of Guarana. Crystalline; is identical with Caffeine. Dose, 1 to 5 grains. Hurgunl balsam. Wood Oil. Gurjun Oil. Dipterocarpus Iavis. N.O. Dipteraceee....
- Heliotropin - Hydrastin
- Heliotropin Piperonal. C8 H6 03. White crystals; it is an artificially built up odorous substance (starting from the Piperin of pepper), with a powerful heliotrope odour. Helonias dioica (See pa...
- Hydrastine - Hydro xylamine hydrochlorate. N H3 0. H Cl
- Hydrastine C22H23N06 Also from above. Crystalline alkaloid. White glossy prisms, scarcely soluble in water, but easily in alcohol, ether, and chloroform. Therapeutics. Ranks high as an anti-intermi...
- Hypnal. C13 Ch3 N2 H15 03. Trichloraldehydphenyldimethylpyrazolon - Jaborandi
- Hypnal. C13 Ch3 N2 H15 03. Trichloraldehydphenyldimethylpyrazolon Monochloral-antipyrin is equal molecules of antipyrin and chloral; odourless and tasteless crystals, dissolving in six times its weig...
- Jacaranda Lancifoliata - Kairin. Ethyl-Kairin. C11H16ONCl. - C9H6 (OH). (H3. C2H5)N. HG1
- Jacaranda Lancifoliata Columbia, South America. N.O. Bignoniaceae. ChaRacteRistics. The leaves and bark of this and allied species of Bignonia have been in use for many years in South America as a s...
- Kalmia Latifolia - Koumis
- Kalmia Latifolia Mountain Laurel. N. 0. Ericaceae. Poisonous narcotic in large doses; but in small doses, astringent and a heart sedative. Dose of fluid extract, 2 to 5 minims. Kokum Butter (See...
- Kreatin. C4 H9 N3 02 - Lippia Mexicana
- Kreatin. C4 H9 N3 02 Discovered by Chevreul in 1835: an extractive existing in animal tissues, as muscles. An opaque white, odourless, bitter, solid. It may be considered as one of the beneficent pto...
- Lithium Benzoas. LC7 H5 O - Manaca
- Lithium Benzoas. LC7 H5 O White granular powder, with faint odour. One of the best gout medicines. Soluble in 4 parts of water. Dose, 2 to 10 grains. Lithium Guaiaconas Or Guaiacas A scale prepar...
- Mate - Menyanthes Trifoliata
- Mate Paraguay Tea. Ilex Paraguayensis. S. America. N. 0. Aquifoliacece. A mixture of broken up stems and leaves, dull green, of a pleasant tea-like odour. The hot infusion, prepared as ordinary tea,...
- Mercuric Benzoate - Mercury, Double Chloride Of, And Ammonium
- Mercuric Benzoate (C6 H5 C 02)2 Hg. + Aq. Small white crystals, without smell or taste; little soluble in cold, more in hot water and alcohol. In syphilis, 1/10 grain in pill daily. For surgical d...
- Mercury Imido-Succinate - Methylal
- Mercury Imido-Succinate Mercuric-succinimide. For intramuscular injections in syphilis. Mercury Imido-succinate .. 2 grammes [30 grains]. Cocaine Muriate .. ...... 1 gramme [15 grains]. Distilled ...
- Methylene Bichloride - Morrhuol
- Methylene Bichloride Methylene. M, Chloride, M. Bichloride. CH2 Cl2 A heavy volatile colourless mobile liquid, with a chloroform odour; by Sir Spencer Wells and others, preferred to chloroform as an...
- Morrhuine - Nardus
- Morrhuine An oily alkaloid, is a powerful diuretic and sudorific, aids assimilation and increases the appetite; it may be regarded as the active constituent of cod liver oil. Mudar Bark Madar. Ca...
- Ndilo Seeds - Ouabain. C30 H46 O12
- Ndilo Seeds Calophyllum inophyllum. India. N.O. Guttifera. Oil (of which the seeds contain 50 per cent.) for itch, and also used for burning. The leaves for ophthalmia. Nicotine From Nicotiana T...
- Panbotano - PeptOgllltine Sublimate
- Panbotano Mexico. N. O. Legumenotce. Bark; a decoction of 3 oz. of bark is taken in the 24 hours. For malarial fevers. No alkaloid or glucoside yet found in it. Pancrcatin The active principle...
- Persimmon - Physostigma Venenosum
- Persimmon (See Diospyros.) Phenocoll A new antipyretic and anti-rheumatic. The hydrochloride (soluble in 16 parts of water), is used in doses of 8 to 15 grains in water; up to 70 grains in 1 ...
- Physostigmine Or E Serine. C30 H21N3 04 (Or C13 H21 N302 Dragen-Dorff.) - Pinus Canadensis
- Physostigmine Or E Serine. C30 H21N3 04 (Or C13 H21 N302 Dragen-Dorff.) From Calabar Bean. This alkaloid is now obtained in a crystalline powder, turning red on exposure, little soluble in water; it...
- Pinus Pumilio - Podophyllin
- Pinus Pumilio Mountain or Mugho Pine. South East-Europe. The source of the once-prized Hungarian balsam. Its essential oil, Pinol, by some called Pumiline, is the potent agent in the German pine cu...
- Podophyllotoxin - Primus Virginiana
- Podophyllotoxin The active principle of lodophyllum. This is Picropodophyllin in combination with Picropodophyllic acid, and is the purgative principle of Podophyllin. White amorphous powder, insolu...
- Pulsatilla - Quinine Bibromide
- Pulsatilla Anemone Pulsatilla. Pasque Flower. Indigenous. X.O. Banunculacea. Valuable in amenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, bronchitis, etc. Dose of tincture (1 in 10), 3 to 10 minims; dose of fl. ext., 1 to ...
- Quinine Bisulphate - Quinine Sulpho-Carbolate
- Quinine Bisulphate Neutral or acid Sulphate of Quinine; soluble Quinine. C20 H24 N2 02 SO4 H2. H20. In white needle prisms, soluble in 10 parts of water. It is a definite salt, and a dry crystalline...
- Quinine Tannate - Rhus Vernicifera
- Quinine Tannate Amorphous white powder, containing 20 to 21 per cent, of the alkaloid. Has been recommended as tasteless, but is nearly valueless from its insolubility in the stomach. Doses, 10 to 20...
- Rubidium And Ammonium Bromide - Sanguinarin
- Rubidium And Ammonium Bromide Rb Br + 3(NHi) Br. White crystalline powder, soluble in water, it contains 34 parts in 100 of Rubidium Bromide. Used with success for epilepsy; dose, 1/2 to 2 drachms d...
- Sarcocephalus Esculentus - Scopolia Carniolica
- Sarcocephalus Esculentus (See Doundake.) Sarracenia Purpurea Side-saddle Plant, or Huntsman's Cap. United States. N. 0. Sarraceniaceæ. Stimulating dirutetic. Dose of fluid extract, 20 t...
- Scutellaria - Sodium Dithiosalicylate
- Scutellaria From Scutellaria Latifolia, Skull Cap. N. 0. Labiates. Yellowish-brown dried extractive; tonic stimulant to nervous system. Dose, 2 to 4 grains. Sethia Acuminata India, Ceylon. N. 0....
- Sodium Ethylate. C2 H5 Na 0 - Solanum Paniculatum
- Sodium Ethylate. C2 H5 Na 0 (Alcohol is C2 H5 H O.) Viscid brown liquid, produced by dissolving sodium in absolute alcohol. Also in a whitish powder. A strong caustic. Has been used for lupus, in a ...
- Somnal - Sulplio-Carbolates Of Sodium, Potassium, Zinc
- Somnal Ethyl - Chloral - Urethan. A new hypnotic, introduced by Radlauer, of Berlin, formed by the union of Chloral, alcohol and urethan. A colourless liquid, resembling Chloroform, soluble in h...
- Syzygium Jambolanum - Teucrium Scordium
- Syzygium Jambolanum (See Jambul.) Tayuya. Trianosperma ficifolia; T. Tayuya, Mart. Dermophilla pendalica. S. America. N. 0. Cucurbitaeae. Root. For syphilis. A saturated tincture is used, 15 minims ...
- Thapsia Garganica - Thiol
- Thapsia Garganica Bou Nefa of the Arabs. Algiers. N.O.Umbellifereæ. The root-bark yields a brown excessively rubefacient resin, with the effects on the skin of croton oil. The plaister, much used in ...
- Thuja Occidentalis - Turpentine Chian
- Thuja Occidentalis Arbor Vitæ. N. America. N. 0. Conifera. The small aromatic branches of the white cedar. Irritating to the skin, like savine. Therapeutics Applied topically, has cured ulcers, sy...
- Turpeth - Ustilago Maidis
- Turpeth Ipomæa Turpethum. E. Indies. N. 0. Convolvulaceæ. Root - large, whitish, resinous when fresh, with starchy interior. The resin, about 10 % in the root, is a glucoside, and is purgative in do...
- Vanillin. C8 H8 03 or C6 H3 (OCH3) (OH). COH - Viscum Album
- Vanillin. C8 H8 03 or C6 H3 (OCH3) (OH). COH Vanillic Aldehyde. The odourous principle of Vanilla. Prepared artificially, from the crystalline glucoside Coniferin C16 H29 08 (obtained from the cambi...
- Xanthoxylum Fraxineum - Zea Mays (Maize) Stigmata
- Xanthoxylum Fraxineum Prickly Ash. N.O. Rutaceæ (or Xanthoxylaceæ) Bark, root, and berries. The bark is in quilled pieces, with pungent bitter taste and little odour. Therapeutics. Permanent, punge...