This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
Tetraiodopyrrol. Tetraiodide of Pyrrol. C4I4N.H.
Discovered by G. Ciamician and P. Silber, of Rome, in 1885-6.
Characteristics. A fine crystalline powder, yellowish white, without smell or taste. It has the feeling of, and adheres to the skin like, French chalk. Prepared from etheric animal oil (oleum animale Dippelii) and Iodine in an iodide of potassium solution. To be kept in a dark place. It contains 88.97 % of Iodine in combination, is free from the disagreeable odour of Iodoform, and is said to advance the process of granulation to a greater degree.
Insoluble in water; easily soluble in alcohol or warm oil. Heated to 100° centigrade, Iodine is liberated.
Therapeutics. An antiseptic, taking the place of Iodoform, being non-toxicant, harmless when absorbed, and less irritating to wounds. Its use is increasing in 1890-1891.
It can be employed as a dusting powder, or as an alcoholic solution, with the addition of glycerine, or as an ointment or emulsion.
Formula. Solution for surgical cases lodol ... ......... 1 gramme.
Alcohol ......... 16 grammes.
Glycerine ......... 24 grammes.
Ointment: 2, 3, or 5 parts lodol to 10 parts Vaseline or Fossiline. For suppurating sores, venereal or other: they granulate and heal.
The compound Iodaseptol (iodo-ortho henol-sulphonic acid), has so far been but little used.
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