Iodine. Locally

Mercury, 1. Internally

Mercury and Morphine Oleate, 3. Externally

Mezereon. In rheumatic and scrofulous cases

Phosphates, 4


Stavesacre. When long bones affected


Aconite, 2, 4. At commencement

Ammonia, 1

Antimony, 3

Blisters, 4

Bryonia. When exudation

Chloral, 2

Chlorine Solution, 3

Cocculus Indicus. For tympanites

Cold, 4

Ice, 1

Iodine, 1

Ipecacuanha, 4

Leeches, 2

Mercury, 1, 4. When there is a tendency to fibrous exudation Opium, 1, 2, 3, 4. Freely, most useful Plumbic Acetate, 1 Potassium Salts, 2 Poultices, 2, 3, 4


Quinine, 1, 2

Rubefacients, 2

Steam, 2. Applied to the abdomen under a cloth when poultices cannot be borne Turpentine, 2. For tympanites Veratrum Viride, 4


Agaric. In phthisis

Aromatic Sulphuric Acid, 2. In phthisis

Atropine, 2, 3. In sweating of phthisis, internally

Belladonna, 3. As liniment for local sweats

Betula, 1

Carbolic Acid. With glycerine locally for fetid sweat

Ergot, 3

Gallic Acid, 2, 3. In phthisis

Glycerine, 1

Iodoform, 3

Jaborandi, 1

Lead, 2

Muscarine, 2

Neat's Foot Oil rubbed over the surface

Oils, 3

Opium, 3. As Dover's powder in phthisis

Permanganate of Potassium, 2. Locally for fetid perspiration

Picrotoxin, 2, 3

Pilocarpine, 3

Quinine, 3

Salic in. In phthisis

Salicylic Acid, 2. With borax in fetid perspiration

Spinal Ice-Bag, 3

Sponging, 3. Very hot

Strychnine. In phthisis

Tannin, 3

Vinegar. Locally

Zinc Oxide, 2, 3. In phthisis


Aconite, 1

Alum, 1

Ammonium Chloride, 1

Amyl Nitrite, 1

Argenti Oxidum, 1

Arnica, 1

Arsenic, 1

Atropine, 1

Belladonna, 1

Benzin, 1

Blister, 1. To nape of neck

Bromide of Ammonium, 1

Bromide of Potassium, 1

Butyl-Chloral, 1

Cantharides, 1

Carbolic Acid, 1. As spray

Castanea Vesca, 1

Cerium Oxalate, 1

Cheken, 1

Chloral, 1. In spasmodic stage

Chloroform, 1. As inhalation during paroxysm

Clover Tea, 1

Cochineal, 1

Cod-Liver Oil, 1

Coffee, 1

Decoction of Chestnut Leaves, ad lib. Sometimes useful

Drosera, 1

Ergot, 1

Ether Spray, 1

Gas Lime, 1. Exhalation

Gelsemium, 1. In spasmodic stage

Hydrobromic Acid, 1

Hydrocyanic Acid, 1. In habitual cough when the true whooping cough has ceased

Hydrogen, Peroxide of, 1


Inhalation op Atomised Fluids, 1 Ipecacuanha, 1. Sometimes very useful alone, or combined with bromide of ammonium Leeches, 1. To nape of neck Lobelia, 1. In spasmodic stage Milk Diet, 1 monobromate op camphor Morphine, 1 Nitric Acid, 1

Opium. In convulsive conditions potassa sulphurata, 1 Quinine, 1

Salicylic Acid, 1. As spray Silver Nitrate Sodium Carbolatum, 1 Sodium Salicylate, 1 Tannin, 1

Tar, 1. For inhalation Tartar Emetic Terebinthinae Oleum, 1 Urtica, 1 Vaccination, 1 Valerian

Valerianate of Atropine, 1 Wild Thyme, 1 Zinc Sulphate, 1


Aconite, 1, 2, 3

Acid, Sulphurous, 1,3

Actaea. Racemosa, 3

Alcohol, 3. Dilute as gargle

Alum, 2, 3. As gargle

Ammonii Acetatis, Liq., 1

Belladonna, 1,2, 3

Capsicum, 3. As gargle

Cimicifuga. Internally when pharynx dry

Copper Sulphate. Locally

Cubebs Powder, 2. Locally applied

Electric Cautery, 1

Ferric Chloride. Locally as astringent, internally as tonic

Glycerine, 3. Locally, alone or as glycerine and tannin

Guaiacum, 1

Hydrastis, 2. Internally and locally

Ice, 1, 3

Iodine, 1, 3

Iodoform, 2

Ipecacuanha, 3. As spray

Nitric Acid, 1, 3

Pomegranate Bark. As gargle

Potassium Chlorate, 1. Locally

Quinine. As tonic

Silver Nitrate, 2, 3. In solution locally

Sodium Borate, 1

Strychnine. As tonic

Tannin, 2, 3. As powder or glycerine locally

Zinc Sulphate, 1, 3. As gargle


Belladonna. Locally Elastic Ligament, 1 Lupulin. After operation Warm Baths, 1


Blisters, 3


Hot Fomentations

Opium. To allay pain

Rest, absolute

Phlegmasia Alba Dolens.

Ammonium Carbonate. In full doses when much prostration

Phlegmasia Alba Dolens.

Belladonna Extract. With mercurial ointment locally

Blisters. In early stage

Creasote. As enemata


Hydrochloric Acid. With potassium chlorate,. in barley water

Leeches. During active inflammation

Opium. Internally and locally to allay pain


Ammonium Chloride, 1

Atropine, 1, 3

Belladonna, 3. To eye

Bromide of Potassium, 1

Butyl-Chloral, 1

Calabar Bean, 1

Chloroform Vapour, 1, 3

Cold, 1

Coniine. In scrofulous photophobia locally

Galvanism, 1

Iodine Tr., 1

Mercuric Chloride. By insufflation

Nitrate of Silver, 1

Opium, 1, 3

Potassium Chlorate, 1. In large doses

Seton, 1

Tonga, 1


Actaea Racemosa, 3

Alcohol. Along with food or cod-liver oil

Ammonium Carbonate, 1

Ammonium Chloride, 1

Ammonium Urate, 1

Antimonium Tartaratum, 1

Antipyrin. To reduce temperature

Arsenic. To remove commencing consolidation, and also when tongue is red and irritable Atropine. To check perspiration Belladonna. Locally for pain in muscles Benzoic Acid, 3 Benzoin. As inhalation to lessen cough and expectoration Blisters Bromides, 2

Butyl-Chloral, 3. To check cough Calcium Chloride, 1, 2, 3 Camphor, 1 Cannabis Indica, 4 Carbo Ligni, 1 Carbolic Acid, 1, 2 Chaulmoogra Oil, 1 Chloral, 3. As hypnotic Chlorine, 1 Chlorodyne, 1