Mercurial Pill. Blue Pill. Prepared by rubbing together 2 oz. of Mercury and 3 oz. of Confection of Roses until metallic globules are no longer visible, and then adding 1 oz. of Liquorice Root in fine powder, and mixing the whole well together. A mild and excellent form for internal use: gr. iij. contain gr. j. of Mercury.

Med. Prop. and Action. Alterative, in doses of gr. j. - ij.; purgative, in doses of gr. v. - x. It is one of the best forms for inducing salivation when it is not an object rapidly to affect the system; for this purpose gr. v. may be given every night and morning, combined with a small portion of Opium, to prevent its passing off by the bowels. Combined with Calomel, it is stated greatly to increase the activity of the latter. On the whole, it may be considered as one of the most useful forms of Mercury for internal use.

Dote, gr. j. - x.

1493. Therapeutic Uses

In Bilious derangements, and Disorders of the Chylopoietic Viscera, the practice of giving, almost indiscriminately, a Blue Pill (gr. v.) at night, and following it up in the morning by a Senna draught, was adopted by the late Mr.

Abernethy; and, however beneficial may be the results when judiciously administered, its indiscriminate and ordinary use is justly condemned by the highest authorities of the present day, as the source of innumerable evils.

1494. In Dyspepsia, attended with hepatic derangement, or where there is reason to suspect the duodenum to be the seat of disease, Blue Pill (gr. ij. - iv.) is occasionally productive of great benefit. It should not be given in such doses, or in such a manner, as to produce ptyalism; and it may be advantageously combined with Ipecacuanha (gr. j. - ij.) and with a sedative.

For other Diseases, see Calomel, for which it may be substituted when speedy salivation is not necessary to be induced.