Pix Arida. Black Pitch. The altered resin remaining in the still, after the distillation of Pix Liquida.

Med. Prop. and Action,. The same as Pix Liquida. Externally, it is employed in the form of ointment (Black Pitch, Wax, and Resin aa gr. dxl, Olive Oil fl. oz. ij.; melt, and express through linen).

Dose, gr. x. - gr. lx. in the form of pill.

2099. Therapeutic Uses

In Piles, the internal use of Pitch, in doses of gr. vij., night and morning, is strongly advocated by Dr. Wardleworth. He found it particularly useful in Piles occurring during pregnancy.

2100. In Ichthyosis, Pitch, In Doses Of Gr

x. - 3j., was successfully employed by Bateman.§ In Porrigo, Diseases of the Scalp, in Lepra, Psoriasis, and some other obstinate Skin Diseases, the ointment (ante) proves often very useful. It may also be given internally, as it appears to exercise a considerable influence on the cutaneous secretion. To foul and indolent Ulcers, the ointment is also a good stimulant application.