Robert and Vidol de Cassis, some years since; but they were abandoned from a fear of producing Peritonitis, by the passage of the injection into the abdomen, through the Fallopian tubes. Prof. Strohl, of Strasburg, again brought them into notice in 1848, in the treatment of Uterine Catarrh. In order to obviate the apprehended danger, he directs the injection to be used very slowly, and through a long caoutchouc catheter, introduced about three lines within the os uteri. This instrument should not fill up completely the orifice of the womb, in order that the injected fluid may be permitted to return immediately, thus exercising no pressure against the apertures of the Fallopian ducts. In twenty-nine cases in which he employed injections of Liq. Plumb., or a solution of the Iodide of Iron, there were no ill effects beyond some slight hysterical symptoms. The majority of British practitioners are opposed to the use of this remedy; and Dr. Ashwell considers that it is fraught with danger.

3172. Injections into the Bladder are occasionally used in Chronic Cystitis, and also with a view of their acting as solvents of Calculi. They may be injected into the bladder by means of a small syringe attached to a catheter with a double passage. It is rarely advisable to use strong injections; but Mr. Acton* states that, in obstinate cases of Chronic Cystitis, he injects the whole of the following solution: -3171 Injections Into The Uterine Cavity Were First 255 Argent. Nit. 3ij., Aq. Dest. fiv., M. ft. inject. Having passed a gum elastic catheter into the bladder, and having drawn off the urine, he injects the fluid by means of a glass syringe, accurately fitted to the catheter. He adds that he has rarely, or never, observed any ill consequences from its use. Vesical injections are contra-indicated if any active inflammation is present, and should not ordinarily be allowed to remain in the bladder longer than a few seconds. Their use requires great caution. "When the acids enter into the composition of the injection, a golden catheter should be employed.

3173. Injections into the Nasal Passages are chiefly employed in Catarrhal states of the mucous lining Membrane, and in Epi-staxis. The most effectual manner of employing them is to place the patient in an upright or slightly stooping position, and the head being thrown forwards and downwards on the chest, the fluid should be slowly injected. The patient should then be directed to draw in the air through his nostrils, and to hold his breath as long as he can. By this means the fluid may be retained in contact with the mucous surfaces for a short period.

* Lond. Journ. of Med., July 1851.

3174. Injections into the Meatus Auditorius Externus are frequently and often injudiciously employed in Otorrha, Otalgia, and other affections of the ear. They require great caution, as, if employed in improper cases, they are productive of serious mischief. They should never be of a strength to cause pain, should generally be used tepid, should be injected slowly, without force, and should never be employed if acute inflammation or perforation of the membrana tympani exist.

3175. Injections into Serous Cavities were formerly considered highly dangerous; but of late years, several instances have been recorded in which strong solutions have been injected even into the peritoneal cavity, not only with safety, but advantage. They are almost daily used in the radical cure of Hydrocele; and when injected into the joints, they do not appear to prove injurious. (See Iodine, sects. 1620, 1621, and 1622.) For the different modes of employing them, the reader is referred to modern works on Surgery, and to the above sections.