Some highly interesting cases of Rheumatism successfully treated with Cannabis are related by Dr. O'shaughnessy. He observes that in several cases of Acute and Chronic Rheumatism half-grain doses of the resin had been given with unequivocal benefit; in all there was great alleviation of pain, increased appetite, and great mental cheerfulness. Mr. Donovan, of Dublin, also relates many cases exhibiting the value of Cannabis in a most favourable light.

692. The other diseases in which it has been employed with varying success are Insanity, Low Fevers, Hysteria, and Pulmonary Affections. It may be, in these cases, occasionally substituted for Opium, over which it has the advantages of not decreasing the secretions, nor causing headache or subsequent constipation. In certainty of operation, however, it is greatly inferior to the salts of Morphia or Opium. In Dropsical Affections, the Tincture, in doses of gutt. xx. every four hours, proved effectual as a diuretic in the hands of Dr. Bryan.