2933. Therapeutic Uses

In inflammatory attacks of Children, the hot bath often proves signally beneficial. It may be repeated daily, or even two or three times a day. It determines to the skin, promotes diaphoresis, relaxes the muscular system, and keeps the surface clean, which is a point of no small importance. In Gastric, Remittent Fevers, it proves highly serviceable. Dr. Locock* advises it to be repeated nightly.

* Cyc. Pract. Med., vol. ii. Med. Reports on Cola Water.

Edin. Sled. Surg. Journ.. July 1849.

2934. In Insanity, The Hot Bath Has Often A Most Soothing And Salutary Effect

In the melancholy of Insanity, Dr. Conolly speaks of the hot bath as a most soothing and useful resource. He advises it to be employed just before going to bed, and the patient should remain in it from half an hour to an hour. In Nymphomania, Dr. D. Davies speaks favourably of a tepid hip-bath, in which the patient might remain with great advantage for some hours, the temperature being proportioned to that of the central parts of her person, and to the excited state of the circulation. Previous to its employment, he advises leeches (twenty) to be applied to the external genital surfaces.

2935. In Infantile Convulsions, the warm bath, at 98°, is often most serviceable, cold or ice being simultaneously applied to the head. It is a measure which should never be omitted. The trunk should be immersed for ten or fifteen minutes. It requires to be used with caution in very plethoric children. In Laryngismus Stridulus, a hot bath may prove advantageous, if it can be used without fretting the child, a point carefully to be avoided.

2936. In Granular Disease Of The Kidney, Morbus Brightii, Dr

Christison § observes that the regular use of the warm bath every other evening or oftener, is very effectual in removing restlessness, anxiety, and want of sleep. At the same time, Dover's Powder, the Acetate of Ammonia, &c, should be given in order to promote diaphoresis.

2937. In Dropsy After Scarlet Fever, Dr

Todd|| states that he knows of no more valuable and efficient remedy than the warm bath. "Indeed," he adds, "I would pronounce it the most valuable single remedy for this dropsy. It must be used frequently, bearing in mind that both the disease and the remedy have a depressing tendency. Most patients can bear it once a day for a few days; sometimes it may be given twice a day, but often it is not safe to venture even on its daily use. In cases where an access of dropsy is apprehended, the daily use of the warm bath during the period when desquamation is, or ought to be, taking place, often succeeds in arresting it.'' In other Dropsical Affections, the warm bath often proves most serviceable.

2938. In Diabetes, The Use Of The Warm Bath Is Much Insisted Upon By Dr

Marsh,¶ and other writers on this disease. It is a powerful and valuable means of promoting the cutaneous action, and of inducing copious perspiration. Care should be taken to prevent the access of cold air after coming out of the bath.

* Lib. of Med., vol. i. p. 285. Lectures, Lancet, Jan. 1846. Obstetric Medicine, p. 344.

§ Lib. of Med., vol. iv. p. 292. || Med. Gaz... Feb. 23. 1840. ¶ If Dub. Hosp. Reports, vol. iii.

2939. In Tetanus, the hot bath has been used with the view of inducing relaxation of the spasms. It has never been extensively employed, but it was tried during the Peninsular War, and Sir James Macgrigor* states that it was found to produce only momentary relief. It appears to be wholly inadequate to control the disease. The hot bath is also used in order to relax the system, and thus to favour the reduction of Dislocations and the return of Hernia.