2412. In Croup, It Was First Proposed By Dr

Ives, and has since been advocated by Dr. Branch,+ who, after many years' experience in its use, prefers it to any other single remedy. He considers that, by persisting in it till emesis is induced, it prevents the formation of the diphtheritic membrane. He advises 3ss. of the powdered root to be infused in a tea-cupful of boiling water, allowing it to steep for ten minutes over the fire, when it may be given in teaspoonful doses, frequently repeated till vomiting is induced. After which it is to be continued at intervals of one or two hours, as the symptoms require. If the skin is hot and dry, the addition of a few grains of Ipecacuanha is advised.

2413. In Torpor Of The Liver And Jaundice, Sanguinaria Has Been Used By Dr

Macbride with evident advantage. In these cases the powder (gr. ij. - v.) or infusion was found preferable to the Tincture. (Bigelow.) Dr. Mothershead also speaks highly of its value as an excitant of the liver when given in alterative doses. In Dyspepsia, where stimulant tonics are indicated, the infusion in small doses (f3j. - f3iss.) is said to have proved effectual by many practitioners. (Bigelow.)

2414. In Rheumatism, It Is Likewise Said To Have Proved Signally Beneficial

Dr. Francis§; mentions a " formidable case of acute Rheumatism" occurring in a person of gouty habit, in which a saturated tincture (f3ss. thrice daily) proved of the greatest advantage. According to Dr. J. Allen,|| an infusion of the root powerfully promotes diaphoresis in inflammatory rheumatism.

2415. Other Diseases

In the Sore Throat of Scarlatina, Dr. Jennings¶ found an acetous infusion (Fresh root ss., Vinegar Oj.) more effectual as a gargle than any other application. In Coryza, the powdered root, conjoined with Cloves and Camphor, and employed as snuff, proved effectual as a sternutatory in the hands of Dr. Stevens.** As a means of curing Soft Polypus of the Nose, it has been used in the same manner, but with doubtful benefit. To Foul and Ill-conditioned Ulcers, the root, either in powder or ointment, proves a good stimulant application, best adapted for ulcers with callous edges and ichorous discharge. In Ulceration of the Umbilicus, Eberle found the powdered root an excellent escharotic. It formed one of the ingredients in the nostrum vaunted of late years by Dr. Fell for the cure of

* Op. cit.

Porcher, Trans. of American Med. Association, ii. p. 691. X Wood's Quarterly Abstr., ii. p. 80. § Op. cit.

|| Quoted by Porcher, op. cit. ¶ Stethoscope, ii. p. 182. ** New York Journ. of Med. iv. N.S. p. 358. Diseases of Children, p. 97.

Cancer; but as Chloride of Zinc formed another ingredient, it is manifest that Sanguinaria must have played a very subordinate part, if indeed it had any effect at all. The acetous infusion has been found of benefit as a local application in Obstinate Skin Diseases. In Chlorosis, it has been used with alleged success by Eberle; but as it was given conjoined with iron, any benefit observable was probably derived from the mineral.

Santonica. See Artemesia Santonica (Artemesia Contra).