This section is from the book "Practical Materia Medica And Prescription Writing", by Oscar W. Bethea. Also available from Amazon: Practical Materia Medica and Prescription Writing.
Latin, Acidum Phosphoricum (Gen., Acidi Phosphorici)
Eng., Phosphoric Acid. Synonyms, Syrupy Phosphoric Acid; Orthophos-phoric Acid. Formula, H3PO4.
A liquid containing about 85 per cent. of absolute Or-thophosphoric Acid.
Odorless and strongly acid taste.
Miscible with water or alcohol in all proportions.
Practically all metallic salts except those of the alkali metals.
Eng., Diluted Phosphoric Acid. An aqueous liquid containing about 10 per cent. of absolute Orthophosphoric Acid.
30 minims (2 mils).
Has been classed as a tonic and alterative.
Sometimes employed in tonic preparations, particularly for conditions characterized by loss of appetite, indigestion, etc.
The following will serve to illustrate the way to prescribe the drug:
or | |||
Acidi Phosph. Dil., | |||
Tinct. Ferri Chlor., | |||
Tinct. Nucis Vom........................................ | āā | 30 | |
Syr. Pruni Virg.................................................. | q.s | 180 |
Teaspoonful in water after meals.
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