This section is from the book "Practical Materia Medica And Prescription Writing", by Oscar W. Bethea. Also available from Amazon: Practical Materia Medica and Prescription Writing.
Latin, Aloe (Gen., Aloes)
Eng., Aloes. Synonym, Gum Aloes. The inspissated juice of the leaves of Aloe Perryi Baker, yielding Socatrine Aloes; or
Aloe vera Linne, yielding Curacao Aloes; or
Aloe ferox Miller, yielding Cape Aloes.
Brownish masses.
Disagreeable odor and bitter, nauseous taste.
1 Musser and Kelly: Practical Treatment.
Aloin (5 to 30 per cent.), etc. Average Dose.-4 grains (0.25 Gm.).
Tincture of Aloes. Average Dose.-30 minims (2 mils).
Aloes is contained in the Compound Extract of Colocynth and the Compound Tincture of Benzoin.
Eng., Aloin. An active principle obtained from Aloes.
A yellowish powder.
Disagreeable odor and intensely bitter taste. Solubility.-In 65 parts of water and 10.75 parts of alcohol. Average Dose.-1/4 grain (0.015 Gm.).
Unofficial Preparation of Aloin.
Eng., Compound Laxative Pills. Synonym, Pills Aloin, Strychnine, Belladonna and Ipecac; Pills A., S., B. and I.
Each pill contains about: Aloin, 0.0130 (gr. 1/5 ); Strychnine, 0.0005 (gr. 1/135); Ex. Belladon. Leaves, 0.0080 (gr. 1/8); Ipecac, 0.0040 (gr. 1/16).
2 pills.
Purgative, emmenagogue, abortifacient. Uses.-For constipation, particularly of the chronic type, and for amenorrhea.
Of the preparations of and from Aloes, Aloin is the one most often used. It is usually prescribed as the Compound Laxative Pills or in some other combination of purgatives. Its employment is based to some extent on the belief that Aloes acts particularly on the lower part of the intestinal tract.
As a laxative in tuberculosis:
or | ||
Mas. Hydrargyri, | ||
Aloes Pulv., | ||
Ipecacuanhae Pulv., | ||
Capsici Pulv..................................................... | .āā. gr. xij | 8 |
M. ft. cap. no. xxiv. Sig.-One at night.
1 .Musser and Kelly: Practical Treatment.
In the treatment of chlorosis associated with constipation:
or | |||
Aloes Pulv.................................................................... | gr. xl | 3 | |
Mas. Ferri Carb....................................................... | 3ij | 8 | |
Pulv. Aromatici ..................................................... | q. s. |
M. ft. cap. no. xl.
Two (2) at bedtime.
In the treatment of amenorrhea (to be used six days before expected period):
or | |||
Aloini................................................................................ | gr. ij | 13 | |
Mas. Ferri Carb........................................................... | gr. xxx | 2 | 00 |
Apiol............................................................................... | f3j | 4 | 00 |
M. ft. cap. no. xij.
One morning and evening.
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