This section is from the book "Practical Materia Medica And Prescription Writing", by Oscar W. Bethea. Also available from Amazon: Practical Materia Medica and Prescription Writing.
(Not Official.)
Official Salts and Preparations.
Eng., Arsenous Iodide. Synonym, Arsenic Iodide.
1/12 grain (0.005 Gm.).
Eng., Solution of Arsenous and Mercuric Iodides. Synonym, Donovan's Solution. A clear or slightly yellowish aqueous liquid containing about 1 per cent. of Arsenous Iodide and 1 per cent. of Red Mercuric Iodide.
See Arseni Trioxidum and Hydrargyrum.
l 1/2 minims (0.1 mil.).
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