Eng., Saigon Cinnamon. The dried bark of an undetermined species of Cinnamomum. Average Dose.-4 grains (0.25 Gm.).

Official Preparations.

Pulvis Aromaticus

Eng., Aromatic Powder. A finely powdered mixture of Saigon Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom and Nutmeg. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.).

Fluidextractum Aromaticum

Eng., Aromatic Fluidextract. Represents 100 per cent. of Aromatic Powder in alcohol. Average Dose.-15 minims (1 mil).

Tinctuxa Cinnamomi

Eng., Tincture of Cinnamon. Represents 20 per cent. of the drug.

Average Dose

30 minims (2 mils).

Saigon Cinnamon also enters into several other preparations.