Latin, Copaiba (Gen., Copaibae)

Eng., Copaiba. Synonym, Balsam of Copaiba. An oleoresin derived from South American species of Copaiba.


A pale-yellow or brownish-yellow, more or less transparent and viscid liquid.

Odor And Taste

Very disagreeable.

Average Dose

15 minims (1 mil).

Therapeutic Action

Diuretic, antiseptic.


Its disagreeable taste and odor and disturbance of digestive function have caused this drug to be almost dropped by the profession. It has been recommended for gonorrhea, cystitis and kindred conditions.


Seldom prescribed. It is best administered in the ready-prepared, soft, elastic capsules. It can be obtained in this form either alone or with other agents, as Salol, Oil of Santal, etc.

1 Ashton: Practice of Gynecology.