Latin, Cubeba

Eng., Cubeb. The dried, unripe but fully grown fruit of Piper Cubeba.

Average Dose

15 grains (1 Gm.).

Official Preparations and Constituents.

Oleoresina Cubebae

Eng., Oleoresin of Cubeb. Average Dose.-8 grains (0.5 Gm.).

Trochisci Cubebae

Eng., Troches of Cubeb. Each troche contains about 0.02 mil ( 1/3 minim) of Oleoresin of Cubeb.

Oleum Cubebae

Eng., Oil of Cubeb. Average Dose.-8 minims (0.5 mil).

Therapeutic Action

Diuretic, urinary antiseptic, irritant.


By mouth for gonorrhea, cystitis, etc. By mouth or inhalation for bronchitis, asthma, hay fever, nasal catarrh, etc.


By mouth it is usually prescribed in the form of the ready-prepared capsules, either alone or more frequently with other agents, as copaiba, salol or santal oil. It is used for inhalation in the form of cigarettes or of powders to be smoked in a pipe.