Latin, Foeniculum

Eng., Fennel. Synonym, Fennel Seed. The dried, ripe fruit of cultivated varieties of Foeniculum vulgare. Average Dose.-15 grains (1 Gm.).

Official Constituent and Preparations. .

Oleum Fceniculi

Eng., Oil of Fennel. Average Dose.-3 minims (0.2 mil).

Aqua Foeniculi

Eng., Fennel Water. Average Dose.-4 fluidrachms (15 mils).

Fennel and the Oil of Fennel are contained in several official preparations.

Therapeutic Action

Classed as a stomachic, carminative, galactagogue, diuretic, etc.


Principally used in combination with other agents as a flavor and possibly to prevent the griping of purgatives. Seldom prescribed as such.