Latin, Iodoformum

Eng., Iodoform. Formula, CHI3.


A lemon-yellow powder or crystals.

Odor And Taste

A peculiar, very penetrating and persistent odor, and an unpleasant, slightly sweetish and iodine-like taste.


Almost insoluble in water. Soluble in 60 parts of alcohol.

Average Dose

4 grains (0.25 Gm.).

Official Preparation.

Unguentum Iodoformi

Eng., Iodoform Ointment. Contains 10 per cent. of the drug.

Therapeutic Action

Probably a mild antiseptic and local analgesic.


Principally as a dressing for wounds and various local lesions, particularly if of a syphilitic or tuberculous character.

1 Stelwagon: Diseases of the Skin.

Administration-The odor renders the drug particularly objectionable. As a dressing it is usually applied dry or by means of the five or ten per cent. iodoform gauze. Sometimes used in the form of ointments, or suspensions.