Latin, Mentha Viridis

Eng., Spearmint. The dried leaves and flowering- tops of Mentha spicata.

Average Dose

60 grains (4 Gm.).

Official Constituent and Preparation.

Oleum Menthae Viridis

Eng., Oil of Spearmint. A volatile oil. Average Dose.-3 minims (0.2 mil).

Aqua Menthae Viridis

Eng., Spearmint Water. An aqueous, saturated solution of Oil of Spearmint.

Average Dose

4 fluidrachms (I5 mils).

Spiritus Menthae Viridis

Eng., Spirit of Spearmint. Represents 10 per cent. of the oil and 1 per cent. of the crude drug. Average Dose.-30 minims (2 mils).

Therapeutic Action

Carminative, refrigerant, etc. Less active than peppermint.


Seldom prescribed.