Eng., Sodium Phosphate. Synonym, Sodium Orthophosphate. Formula, Na2HPO4 + I2H2O. Form.-Large colorless prisms of granular salt. Odor and Taste.-Odorless. A cooling, saline but disagreeable taste. Solubility.-In about 2.7 parts of water. Insoluble in alcohol. Average Dose.-1 drachm (4 Gm.).

Official Preparation.

Sodii Phosphas Effervescens

Eng., Effervescent Sodium Phosphate. A granular powder containing 20 per cent. of Exsiccated Sodium Phosphate with Citric and Tartaric Acids and Sodium Bicarbonate.

Average Dose

120 grains (8 Gm.).

Sodii Phosphas Exsiccatus

Eng., Exsiccated Sodium Phosphate. Sodium Phosphate deprived of its water of crystallization. Average Dose.-30 grains (1 Gm.).

Unofficial Preparation (U. S. P., viii).

Liquor Sodii Phosphatis Compositus

Eng., Compound Solution of Sodium Phosphate. Sodium Phosphate, 1000 Gm.; Sodium Nitrate, Citric Acid, and Distilled Water, to make 1000 mils.

Average Dose

2 fluidrachms (8 mils).

Therapeutic Action

Hydragogue purgative.


The effervescing salt, particularly, is a popular morning laxative. It is also used in conditions characterized by jaundice.


Effervescing Sodium Phosphate, if dispensed in boxes, rapidly deteriorates and loses its effervescing quality. As it is a granular salt, it could not readily be emptied from a regular small-mouth prescription bottle.

It is put on the market in 2-, 4-, and 16- ounce, large-mouth, colored bottles with special waxed corks and caps. It should be prescribed in these sizes only, so that the original bottle may be dispensed by merely removing the trade label and putting on the one desired.

Sodii Phosphas Gen Sodii Phosphatis 1259


Sodii Phos. Efferves........................................

Sodii Phosphas Gen Sodii Phosphatis 1260


Sig.-Heaping teaspoonful, in glass of water, on arising.

The solution may be ordered as:

Sodii Phosphas Gen Sodii Phosphatis 1261


Liq. Sodii Phos. Co.........

Sodii Phosphas Gen Sodii Phosphatis 1262



Two (2) teaspoonfuls, with glass of water, on arising.

Sodium Phosphate is often prescribed in bulk to be taken in water.

Sodii Salicylas

See Salicylates, p. 36.