This is an excellent application for local diseases. Tannin may be dissolved to saturation in tincture of iodine, or an aqueous solution may be prepared as follows : Rx Iodi, 3 j ; acid tannici, oz j ; aquae, Oj. After filtration, to be evaporated to oz iv.

The author has found a saturated solution of tannin in tincture of iodine is a most efficient application in all those cases of uterine disease in which the tincture of iodine and iodized cotton and iodized glycerin are now so much used. It is serviceable in chronic cervicitis, chronic endo-metritis, sub-involution and hypertrophy of the uterus. The author has also found that the following combination is a capital application in leucorrhoea and the above-named uterine affections: Iodo-formi, 3j; acid, tannici, § j. M. A sufficient quantity to be packed in the dry state around the cervix.

The iodide of starch is used by Mr. Marshall as a dressing for syphilitic ulcers, and he speaks highly of its efficacy.

A decolorized tincture of iodine for external use may be prepared as follows: iodine, hyposulphite of sodium, distilled water, of each ten parts. Dissolve with a moderate heat, and add sixteen parts of spirits ammonia, and, after a few minutes' agitation, add seventy-five parts of alcohol. The solution must stand in a cool place for three days, and then be filtered (Waldenburg und Simon). Decolorized iodine is of doubtful utility.

An extemporaneous iodo-tannin may be prepared according to the formula of Sigmund: Rx Tinct. iodi, tinct. gallae, āā oz ss. M. The strength of this may be increased by the addition of iodine Э ij.