
(Matricaria camomila)--An infusion drank warm is useful in pulmonary complaints, and in all cases of debility; applied as a fomentation in glandular swellings.


(Matricaria cotula)--The infusion may be given to promote pers-piration, and used externally in fomentions for white swellings, rheumatism, etc.

Black Cohosh

(Cimicifuga racemosa)--A syrup of this plant is useful in coughs; and a poultice made by thickening the decoction with slippery elm is useful in all kinds of inflammation.

Indian Hemp

(Apocynum cannabinum)--This root has been used with success in dropsy, by steeping an ounce in a quart of water, and taking half a glass three or four times a day.


(Aralia racemosa)--The root of this plant has a warm, aromatic, balsamic, fragrant taste, and is useful in all pulmonary complaints, taken in infusion, decoction, or syrup.

Solomon's Seal

(Polygonatum biflorum)--An lnfusion of the roots is useful in all cases of fluor albus, (whites,) and in immoderate flowing of the menses, arising from female weakness.


(Crocus or Carthamus?)--This plant is an excellent article to promote perspiration, a tea of which is very valuable in all eruptive forms of disease, as canker rash, measles, etc.

Crane's Bill

(Geranium maculatum) is a good astringent, useful in bleeding, internally or externally, or in hemorrhage from the lungs,-bowels, or womb.


(Rumex crispus)--A syrup made of this root, with equal parts of wintergreen and sarsaparilla, is excellent to eradicate scrofulous and other taints of the system.

Evan Root

(Geum spp.)--This plant grows in low, marshy land, and is sometimes called chocolate root. It possesses slightly astringent and tonic properties, and may be used with benefit in diarrhea, dysentery, and bowel complaints in general.


(Humulus lupulus)--Hop tea may be used with benefit as a means of quieting nervous agitation, and promoting sleep. It is useful in cases of delirium tremens. The yellow powder which may be very readily obtained from hops by rubbing and sifting them, contains the active principle of hops. This powder, (called lupulin;) by being rubbed up in a warm mortar, will form a paste, which may be made into pills, and taken for the purposes above mentioned.

Meadow Fern

(Comptonia [Myrica] peregrina)--A strong decoction of the leaves and burs of the meadow fern have been found very useful in erysipelas, taken freely, and bathing the part affected. It is also a valuable external application for all eruptions and troublesome humors.


(Mentha arvensis...probably)--A strong tea affords relief in gravel and suppression of the urine.

Uva Ursi

(Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)--A tea drank freely is useful in ulceration of the kidneys and bladder, and all uneasy obstructions.

High Cranberry

(Viburnum opulus)--A strong tea drank freely (says Smith) is very effectual in relaxing spasms and cramps of all kinds.

Gum Arabic

(Acacia spp.) makes a fine mucilage for strangury and scalding of the urine.

OX GALL, made into pills, combined with golden seal and Cayenne, says Dr. Osgood, is of inestimable value in those cases of dyspepsia accompanied with flatulency, sour eructation, and obstinate constipation of the bowels. For the method of preparing it for use, see Compounds.