
(From ad, and stringo, to bind together,) Adstriction. It either expresses the styptic quality of medicines, or the retention of the natural evacuations, by the rigidity of the respective apertures. It most commonly refers to the state of the bowels. See Constipatio.


(From adstringo, to bind up,)


See Astringentia.

Adu Natos

(From α, priv. and Adu Natos 158 to be able).

See Adynamia.


Adust, burnt, scorched, or parched, (from aduro, to burn, etc.). This term is applied to the fluids of the body when acrid, and particularly when the acrimony is supposed to have arisen from great heat. Those constitutions are bilious only, and the term is chiefly employed, when the bile from stagnation has become brown or black.


See Cautery and Moxa. It is sometimes applied to violent inflammations of the brain, and cooling applications are used externally.

A' Dy, vel Palmaa' Dy. (from Adustion 159 or sweet).

A palm-tree in the island of St. Thomas, which affords plenty of juice, that ferments into wine. The entire fruit is called by the Portuguese caryoces and cariosse; by the natives abanga. The fruit externally is like a lemon, and contains a stone, the kernel of which, if heated in hot water, gives out an oil of a saffron colour; it concretes in the cold, and is used as butter: of these kernels the inhabitants give three or four as a restorative, two or three times a day.


(From α, neg. and Adynamia 161 strength, force,) languor, weakness, impotence from sickness or disease: adunatos, leipopsychia. Also drowsiness, or sleepiness, lassitude, defect of vital powers. In Dr. Cullen's Nosology, this word distinguishes an order in his class neuroses: he defines it to be diseases consisting in a weakness or loss of motion, in either the vital or natural functions. These diseases are by others called defectivi.

Ady Namon

(From the same). A factitious wine. It is made of two parts of must and one of water, which are boiled together till as much is consumed as there was added of water.

-Edoi'a,or Aidoia, (from Ady Namon 162 modesty). See



(From Aedosophia 163 pudenda, and strepitum edo). In Sauvages, and Sagar, it is defined to be a flatus passing from the uterus, or from the urinary bladder, through the vagina or the urethra; hence it is formed into two species, Aedosophia urethrae et uteri's A. This flatus is sometimes very fetid, which circumstance cannot always be accounted for. It sometimes happens when women are in labour, and hath been taken for a sign that the child is dead, but this cannot be depended on; an intolerable stench sometimes attends, when the child is living. See Sauvages' Nosologia Methodica, vol. ii. p. 417.

jEgagropila, (from Aedosophia 165 the mountaingoat, and pila vel globulus,) the rock-goat.

See Capra Alpina.