This section is from the book "The London Medical Dictionary", by Bartholomew Parr. Also available from Amazon: London Medical Dictionary.
From to bring or lead). That part of the arm from the elbow to the fingers. See also Palma.
A species of frog. Agresta, verjuice, (from wild). The juice of unripe grapes, or the sour grape itself, called omphax, or the juice of the sour apple. See Malus Hortensis
Acid stone tartar. I
Wild, (from wild ). It is applied to vegetables that grow without cultivation (see Malus sylvestris); to wild, as distinguished from tame, animals; and to express an ungovernable malignity in a disease.
Holly, (from the same). Also a malignant pustule, of which there are two sorts; one is small, and casts a roughness or redness over the skin, slightly corroding it, smooth about its centre, spreads slowly, and is of a round figure; this sort is cured by rubbing it with the saliva before breakfast: the second sort ulcerates, with a violent redness and corrosion, so as to make their hair fall off; it is of an unequal form, and becomes leprous; its cure is the application of pellitory of the wall in the manner of a poultice.
(From wild, and a vine). The wild vine. Bryonia alba. See also Bryonia nigra.
The abbreviation by which is meant Geor-gius Agricola de Re Metallica, Natura Fossilium, etc. Basilian, 1657, folio.
(From ager, a field, and cultura, village ). Agriculture is the art of cultivating the ground; tillage, husbandry, as distinct from pasturage. But it is not connected with medicine, except in the instance of benefit supposed to be received from vapours which arise while ground is fresh or newly turned up, particularly the light gravelly soils.
On this subject much satisfaction may be derived from the Georgical Essays by A. Hunter, M. D., second edition, in five volumes. Fordyce's Elements of A gri-culture and Vegetation.
(From wild,and an olive).
See Oleaster.
(From, a prickle, and a leaf J. See Aquifolium.
From and like,) pimpinella fol. agrim. nonnullis. It grows on the mountains of Italy; it is of the same nature as agrimony. A. Agcrimonoides Lin. 643.
(From wild, and nasturtium). Sec Lepidium folio grami-neo.
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