This section is from the book "The London Medical Dictionary", by Bartholomew Parr. Also available from Amazon: London Medical Dictionary.
(From the same). See Cinnamo-mum.
Canella alba, (from the same; because these barks have a reed like appearance, from being rolled up in that form). Called also canella cubana; Mala-barica; winterana; Jamaicensis; tubis minoribus alba; cinnamomum album; Malabaricum; aromaticum lignum; aromaticus cortex; caminga; caryophilli mavis odoris; winterania canella; cortex winteranus spurius; cassia lignea Jamaicentis; arbor Jucadice; wild cinnamon tree. Winterana canella Lin. Supplem. 247. Canella alba Murray Syst. Yeg. 443, and Swartz. Lin. Trans, v. i. p. 96. ' Canella alba Lin. Sp. Pi. Wilde-now, vol. ii. p. 851. Nat. order, oleraceae.
The bark of this tree is commonly, but falsely, called cortex winteranus. It is a large tree, whose bark consists of two parts, an outward and an inward; the outer is as thin as a milled shilling, of an ash grey colour, with whiter spots here and there, and several shallow furrows of a darker colour running variously through it; the taste is aromatic. The inner bark, which only is employed, is thicker than that of cinnamon, being as thick as a milled crown piece, smooth, of a whiter colour than the outward, inclining to yellow, and of a more biting and aromatic taste, resembling that of cloves, and not glutinous when chewed, but dry, and crumbling between the teeth. It is called the West India cinnamon tree. The bark is of different thickness, according to the age and size of the branch from which it is taken.
It grows in Jamaica, Antigua, and other of the Ca-ribbee islands. The bark is the chief part in use, the poor natives employ it instead of all other spices; its virtues, though similar, are very weak. It is sold in England for the cortex winteranus, for its virtues are the same: it yields a heavy oil, which, when mixed with a little oil of cloves, is sold for it; and Dr. Brown adds, the adulteration is no prejudice to the credit of the oil of cloves. It is a pungent, bitterish aromatic, not very agreeable in taste. Water extracts only the bitter, but proof spirit both the bitter and aroma. It is used in dyspepsia, and to warm some of the less agreeable or narcotic bitters. See Miller's Bot. Off. and Dr. Brown's Natural History of Jamaica. Woodville's Med. Botan.
Canella Javensis, Malabarica. See Folium, and Cassia lignea.
Canella sylvestris Malabarica. See Foliu M.
Canella cuurdo, Zeylanica. See Cinnamomum.
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