This section is from the book "The London Medical Dictionary", by Bartholomew Parr. Also available from Amazon: London Medical Dictionary.
See Chancre.
See Carlina.
See Amomum verum.
Also cynnia and cymia. The name of a vessel that resembles an urinal.
See Daucus.
(so named because it makes the person who cats it appear as if he was asleep). An herb, the juice of which was formerly called opocarpason, opocarpathon, or opocalpason: according to Galen, it resembles myrrh; but is esteemed highly poisonous. It is not certainly known what it is; yet Bruce thought he had found it in a species of acacia, called sassa, which is not poisonous. It differs little from the mimosa Nilotica.
See Catapitia minor.
From the fresh cones of the trees which yield the common turpentine is distilled a fine essential oil, said to be carpathicum, or Germanis oleum.
See Barbarea.
(From fruit). This is an aromatic vegetable; it is often mentioned by the ancients, and is probably the carpesium cernuum, Lin. Sp. Pi. 1203.
See Foenum Graecum.
(From a straw). In Hippocrates it signifies a straw, a mote, or any small substance. It also signifies a small pustule, for the cure of which AEtius, Tetrab. i. recommends rubbing them with dried seeds of the herb mercury.
(From carpo, to {pluck off, as lint is from linen cloth). See Carbasus.
(From carpo, to seize; so called because of its voraciousness). Called also carpa, cyprinus. The carp. Fish of this kind fed in rivers are better than those fed in ponds; and of these the largest and fullest are the best. They live on herbs, slime, and the smaller fishes. They are nutritive, but not highly flavoured, and the fat is indigestible. The head is the finest part of the fish; and of the head, the tongue is the most delicate.
From fruit, and balsam). It is the fruit of the tree that yields the balm of Gilead. See Balsamum.
(From carpo, to pluck, or pull gently). A delirious motion of the hands; as when a patient seems to be gathering something from off the bed clothes, which yet is imperfectly performed, because of the trembling which affects them. It is usually a fatal symptom in fevers.
(Greek.) See Fructus and Semen-.
(From the Carthusian monks, who were the inventors). See Antimonium.
(From cartilago, a cartilage). See Patella.
(From myr-tus, a myrtle, and forma, a likeness, because they are like the myrtle berry). They are several small knots or protuberances at the entrance of the vagina; are the remains of the ruptured hymen, and, when large, have been taken for cancers.
A suppression of urine, from caruncles in the urethra. See Ischuria. 4th species.
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