
In chemistry, is the principal residence, foundation, or source of any thing; in medicine, that part in which its virtue resides; in anatomy the middle point of some parts.

Centrum nerveum. The tendinous part of the diaphragm, which hath a triangular appearance: it is called also centrum tendinosum.

Centrum ovale. Vieussens first gave this appellation to a part of the corpus callosum. It is convex, and of the form of the cerebrum. See Cerebrum.


(From cento, a quilt or mattrass, which was formerly made of this herb). See Alsine, and Gnaphalium.


A small species of onion, which used to be esteemed for sallads in spring, but is not now regarded. See Becarunga.


(From Cephalaea 1908 head). A long continued pain in the head. See Cephalalgia.


(From Cephalartica 1914 caput, and to make clear). Medicines that purge the head.

Cephalea Juvenum

The headach that often attends youth at the approach of puberty.


Pulvis. See Asarum.


(From Cephaline 1917 the head). See Linoca.


(From the same). See Phrenitis.


(From Cephaloides 1918 and likeness).

Shaped like a head, or having a head. It is applied to plants which are called Capitatae, q. v.


(From Cephalonosos 1920 a head, and a disease). This term is applied to a fever particularly affecting the head, and is frequent in Hungary. See Amphemerina Hungarica.

Cephalo Pharyngaeus

(From Cephalo Pharyngaeus 1922 the head, and the throat,) a muscle of the pharynx; called also glosso pharyngaeus, mylopharyngaecus. It rises above, from the cuneiform process of the os occipitis, before the foramen magnum, near the holes where the ninth pair of nerves pass out; lower down, from the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, from the upper and under jaw, near the roots of the last dentis molaris, and between the jaws; it is continued with the buccinator muscle, and with some fibres from the root of the tongue, and from the palate. It is inserted into a white line, in the middle of the pharynx, where it joins with its fellow, and is covered by the constrictor medius, i. e. hyopharyngaeus of Douglas. Its use is to compress the upper part of the pharynx, and to draw it forwards and upwards. See Pharynx, Pterygo Pharyngaei.

Cephalopo Nia

(From Cephalopo Nia 1924 head, and pain). See Cephalalgia.