
(From Chrysomelia 2156 and an apple). See Aurantia Hyspanica.


(From Chrysopus 2158 and face or aft-, pearance). See Gambogia.


Or Chus. The name of a measure. The same as choa, congius. This was a liquid measure among the Athenians, containing six sextarii, twelve Attic cotylae, or nine pints or pounds of oil, ten of wine, thirteen and a half of honey, according to Galen. Linden says, at least eight of wine and four ounces. Rho-uius asserts, that the chus, or congius, weighs ten pounds. Castelli.

Chundrilla Vercuria

See Zacintha. Chunno. See Battatas.


(From Chylaria 2161 chyle). See Dysuria.

Chylifera Vasa

(From Chylifera Vasa 2162 chyle, and to carry). See Lactea vasa. Chylificatio, (from and fio, to make).

Chylification. The first digestion, or the changing of the aliment into chyle. See Digestion.


(From Chylisma 2165 juice). In Dioscorides it signifies expressed juice.


Hartman's chylista is glass of antimony obtunded by levigating it with mastich dissolved in rectified spirit of wine.


(From Chylopoietic 2166 chylus, and facio,) applied to the organs which form chyle.


(From Chylosis 2168 to express the juice).

See Chylificatio.


The name of a penetrating medicine in Marcellus Empiricus.


See Chemia.


(From Chymiatria 2175 chemistry, and healing). The art of curing diseases by chemical medicines.


(From Chymosum 2178 succus). See Chylus.


Chymus 2179 humour or juice, (from

/undo,to pour out). In the common signification of the word it is every kind of fluid which is incrassated by concoction. Sometimes it means the finest part of the chyle when separated from the faeces; but in general it implies the food in the state in which it passes out of the stomach previous to its mixing with the bile. In Galen, it is the faculty or quality in plants and animals which is the object of our taste.


(From Chytlon 2181 to pour out). In Hippocrates it means a plentiful inunction with oil and water.