Columellares Dentes

(From columella, on account of their shape). See Canini dentes.


Et Colum Ecph. An abbreviation of Fabii Columnae minus cognitarum rariumque stirpium Ecphrasis, 1, 2. Romae, 1616, 4to.

Col. et Colum. Phyt. An abbreviation of Fabii Columnae Phytobasanos sive Plantarum aliquot Historia. Neap. 1592.

Columna Oris

See Uvula.

Columna nasi. The lowest and fleshy part of the nose, which forms a part of the septum.

Columna septi palati. See Palatum molle.


Many parts of the body which, in their shape or orifice, resemble columns, viz.

Columnae. See Carduus pineae.

Columnae cordis, vel carneAE. These are small, long, and round fleshy productions from the ventricles of the heart. According to Le Dran, the basis of the heart is also thus named. See Cor.


(From columna, a column, and fero, to bear). An order of plants bearing columns or pillars.


(From Colutea 2327 to mutilate; so called because it perishes if any of limbs are cut off;) senna pau-perum, colutea vesicaria, senna Mauritanorum, senna Europea, senna spuria, bastard senna. Colutea arbo-rescens Lin. Sp. Pi. 1045.

It is a bush whose flowers are succeeded by large, swelled, thin bladders, flattish on the upper part, sharper and carinated underneath, with a crooked appendix at the end, full of black kidney-like seeds. It grows wild in Italy, and flowers in July. The leaves and seed purge and vomit violently; but it is scarcely found in the lists of the materia medica.

Colute'a caule genistae fungoso. See Polygala vera.

Colute'a Indica herbacea. See Indicum.

Colute'a scorpioides, major, humilis, et Sili-quosa. See Emerus.


(From Colymbades 2328 to swim). Olives pickled in salt, or swimming in their own oil.


(From the same). See Dexa-mene.


See Siliquastrum.


(Coma 2329 a head of hair). The hair of the head. In botany, a species of bracte, terminating the stem in a tuft, or bush. A spike of flowers terminating by a coma is called comose. And plants with such flowers are ranged in the thirty-sixth of the natural orders of Linnaeus' Philosophia Botanica.


(From Coma 2330 or to lie down). In Galen's

Exegisis it is expounded by cataphora; and in his treat-tise on a coma, he says, that coma includes every cata-phora, both the sleepy and wakeful. By the word coma the author of Prorrheticon often expresses a lethargy. The coma is sometimes called by the name typhoma-nia, being supposed to consist of a mixture of phrensy and lethargy. It is the coma somnolentum of authors; in reality, a less violent degree of apoplexy, in which the loss of sensation is not so considerable. See Caros.

Coma aurea. Golden locks, also golden cudweed. See Elichrysum.

Coma vigil; called also agrypnocoma. A disease wherein the patients are apparently sleepy, but can never sleep. Blancard. See Caros.