Comaroides Comarus

(From Comaroides Comarus 2332 a lock of hair; so named from its strings, which are like hair). See Arbutus.


See Coma. The first order of Dr. Cullen's second class neuroses; defined a diminution of voluntary motion, attended with sleep, or a deprivation of the senses. In this order he ranks apoplexies, palsies, and adds the species of tremor. He therefore comprehends those affections which have generally been called soporose diseases; but observes, that they are distinguished by consisting in some interruption or suppression of the powers of sense and voluntary motion, or of what are called the animal functions. These, he observes, are usually suspended in the time of natural sleep; but in all these diseases, sleep, or even the appearance of it, is not constantly a symptom. They are also termed nervorum resolutiones.


And Combustura, (from con and uro, to burn). See Calcinatio.


(From comedo, a glutton). A sort of worms, which eat into the skin and devour the flesh. See Bovina affectio, and Crinones.


(From Cometes 2333 a bush of hair; so named from its appearance). See Amygdaloides.


Half a drop.


See Gummi arabicum.


Lste, (from Com 2334 to provide). Food, nourishment.

Comitialis Morbis

(From comitia, an assem-bit/). See Epilepsia.

Comitissae Pulvis

(From comitissa, a countess). See Cort. Peruv.

Comitissae palmae, or Palmeri pulv. See Magnesia alba.


(From Commagene, a place in Syria, from whence it was brought). The name of an ointment mentioned by Galen. It is also called Syria-cum unguentum.


(From commanduco, to eat). See Masticatio.


(From commando, to eat). See Apophlegmatica.

Commel Plant Usu

An abbreviation of Caspari Commelinis Horti Medici Amstaeledamensi, Plantarum Usualium Catalogus. Amstel. 1724.

Commel. praelud. An abbreviation of Caspari Com-melini Praeludia Botanicae, Ludg. Batav. 1715.

Commel. flor. mal. An abbreviation of C. Com-melini Flora Malabarica, sive Horti Malabarici Catalogus.

Commel. Indig. An abbreviation of Casp. Comme-lini Catalogus Plantarum Indigenarum Hollandiae.


(Bals.) (from commen-dator, the commander). The balsam of the commander of Berne, Balsamum Traumaticum, now tinctura be-zoes composita. See Benzoinum.


(From committo, to join together). See Sutura, and Articulatio. This term is also applied to the apparently fibrous structure which unites different portions of the base of the brain.


(From the same). See Labia Pudendi.


(From Commosis 2335 gluten). The first stratum of gummy matter with which bees line their hives. It also signifies that art which is employed in concealing natural imperfections with respect to beauty; from ornatum adhibeo. This is distinguished from the cosmetic art, which consists in preserving the beauty that is natural.