This section is from the book "The London Medical Dictionary", by Bartholomew Parr. Also available from Amazon: London Medical Dictionary.
(From communi-co, to participate). According to Bellini, they are two fevers which infest a person at one and the same time, the paroxysm of one beginning as soon as the other ceases.
See Marinum sal.
See Coma.
(From compingo, to put together). In botany it means being of a firm and close texture.
(From compatior, to suffer with). Compassion. In nosology it is the suffering of one part on account of an affection of some other part: more commonly called suffering by consent, or sumpa-thy. See Sympathia.
And Comiper. See Cubebae.
(From compono, to compose). In botany it means compound, aggregate, in opposition to single. In pharmacy a more complicated preparation of a common medicine.
(From comprehendo, to understand). See Catalepsis.
(From compremo, to press upon). See Cerebri compressio.
See Nasalis.
(From compungo, to prick). See Paracentesis.
(From a cone). The pineal gland; so called from its shape. See Cerebrum.
(From con, with, and causa, a cause). A cause which co-operates with another in the production of a disease.
(From con, and centrum, the centre). Concentration. To concentrate a body is to approximate its principal parts by removing those which keep them asunder, and which are not proper to the body concentrated. This word is generally applied to the dephlegmation of acids, and particularly of the vitriolic by distillation, of vinegar by congelation, and of salts by evaporation.
(From the same). The very first rudiments of the foetus in the uterus after conception.
Convoluta inferiora, lamina spongiosae inferiores. The inferior spongy laminae of the nose. They are situated in the nasal fossae, one on each side; suspended like the ethmoidal concha, without resting on any thing. The inferior edges are the most considerable of the three; they are rough, thick, a little rounded, and turned toward the os maxillare. By their anterior superior edge, they are joined to the anterior transverse eminences of the os maxillare; their posterior superior edge is the longest, and is joined backwards to the small transverse eminence of the middle portion of the os palati. See Winslow's Anatomy, and Monro on the Bones.
Conchae narium superiores; convoluta superiora ossa, and lamina spongiosae interiores. So Winslow calls the inferior part of each lateral portion of the os ethmoides.
Muscle shells are macerated in vinegar for twenty-four hours, after wiping off the external mucus. They must then be dried and reduced to a powder; during which operation a spoonful of carduus water, to prevent the light parts from flying off, is added. A drachm is the proper dose as a febrifuge and diaphoretic. Bate's Pharmacopoeia.
(From concha, a shell, and folium, a leaf; from its bearing leaves bent in the form of a shell). See Manga.
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