
(See Cotyle and Cyathus). A twelve ounce measure; and sometimes the appellation of bugs. See Cimex.

Cotula flore luteo radiato. Sec Buphthat.mum.

Cotula foetida, (from cos, a whetstone). A kind of camomile, with leaves like a whetstone. See Cha-mjemelum foetidum.


(From Cotyla 2420 a cavity). See Cotyle.

It is any deep cavity in a bone, in which any other bone is articulated; but generally used to express the cavity which receives the head of the thigh bone. It also signifies a deep sinus surrounded with large lips, or any cavity like the glene, but deeper.

Cotyle Cotyla

Or Cotula, (from the among the ancients it was a chinking cup, or any thing which had a cavity, as the hollow of the hand. Among the Greeks it was a measure, and is nearly the same as the hemina of the Romans, which held nine or ten ounces. See Cyathus.


(From the same). Cotyledons; acetabula; certain glandular bodies adhering to the chorion of some animals: but no such substances are observed in the human chorion.

Cotyledum Alterum

See Crassula.


See Colchicum.


De Soleil. See Ictus Solaris.


See Paianeli.


(Indian.) The modern name for a distemper very common in Java and other parts of the East Indies. It is a herpes on the axillae, groins, breast, and face; the itching is almost perpetual, and the scratching is followed by great pain, with a discharge of matter, which fixes the linen firmly to the skin. Courap is a general name for any sort of itch; but this distemper is thus called by way of eminence. It is so contagious that few escape it. For the cure gentle and repeated purging, and externally the sublimate in a small quantity, are employed. See Bontius de Medi-cina Indorum.


The American name of the tree which produces the gum anime. Called also locusta; animifera arbor Brasiliana; Brasiliensis arbor siliguo-sa; cancamum Graecorum; ceratia diphyllos; ictaiba; courbaril. Hymenaea coubaril Lin. Sp. Pi. 537. It grows in many parts of the West Indies, particularly in the Brasils. See Anime.


It is a tall evergreen, which grows in the East Indies; the juice of its leaves and the kernels of its fruit are astringent, and used with whey to cure diarrhoeas and dysenteries. Rheed's Malabar, 4 tab. 50. Raii Hist.


So Hippocrates called the child in the womb when perfected there. See Conceptio.


MoelLI. A shrub growing in sandy places in the East Indies: the bark and root boiled in milk are esteemed an antidote against the poison of serpents. It has not yet found a place in botanical systems. Raii Hist.


The African name of a paste made of the flour of millet, with some flesh; and, when eaten, a small quantity of lalo is also put. It is much used as food about the river Senegal.


A tree which grows in Candia, resembling the walnut tree; arbor vinifera couton juglandi similis of Bauhine. When this tree is wounded, an agreeable liquor flows out, which resembles Orleans wine. Its genus is unknown.