This section is from the book "The London Medical Dictionary", by Bartholomew Parr. Also available from Amazon: London Medical Dictionary.
(From Dr. Dorston). See Contrayerva.
The back. Most etymologists derive it from deorsum, because it bends downwards; antister-r.on, and metaphrenon; but this last appellation properly means the part between the shoulders. We use the term back in a figurative sense, as the back of the head; and the epithet dorsalis is applied to diseases originating apparently from the back.
A gibbosity is a preternatural incurvation of the spine of the back, either to the posterior or to the lateral parts. It generally happens from external causes, as blows, tight stays, &c; sometimes from a relaxation of the ligaments of the belly, or from scrofula. Gouey gives an instance of it from a preternatural contraction of the muscles of the belly. See Heister's Institutes of Sur-ijerv, and Distortio spinae.
(From a dart). See Cistus.
The quantity of medicine directed to be taken at once. See Posologia.
See Furunculus.
La. See Duccia, and Stillicidium.
Ri Pulvis, (from its inventor Dover.) See Pulv. ipecacuanhae comp. under Ipecacuanha.
(From to seize; so called from the sudden effect on the nose of those who eat it,) lepidium Arabis; Arabian mustard and turret cressus. Iberis umbellata Lin. Sp. Pi. 906 ? The seeds serve as pepper in seasonings, but are not used as a medicine.
(From the Hebrew drachmon). Among the Greeks this was the name of a coin; and of a weight divided into six oboli. The Romans reckoned eight drachms to an ounce, and twelve ounces to a pound: in our apothecaries' present weights, the drachm makes three scruples, or sixty grains.
(From a dragon; because its flowers resemble the mouth of a dragon,) tarachon, dracuncu-lus hortensis, abrotarium lilii folio, tarragon. Artemisia dracunculus Lin. Sp. Pi. 1189.
The leaves of this herb resemble those of hyssop, and their scent that of fennel: the flowers grow on the top of the plant, and appear like those of southernwood. It grows in gardens, and flowers in July and August; is warm and stomachic, used as a condiment, but not employed in medicine.
Draco arbor Indica siliquosa. See Ang-saxa.
Draco figens. The name of an anti-epileptic powder extolled by Dolaeus.
Draco sylvestris. See Ptarmica.
Nthaema, (from a dragon, and blood. See Sanguis draconis.
See Dracontium.
Dracontia, minor. See Arum.
Dracontia macra. See Dracunculi.
The name of some veins proceeding directly from the heart.
(From a dragon; from its root resembling a dragon's tail,) dracunculus polyphyl-lus, colubrina, dracontia, Erva de Sancta Maria, giga-rus serpentaria, arum polyphyllum, dragon's and many-leaved arum. Arum dracunculus Lin. Sp. Pi. 1367. It is a plant with smooth glossy leaves, set on long pedicles; the stem is single, thick, whitish, and variegated with purple streaks; on the top is a long sheath, including a dark coloured pistil, like that of arum, but larger, succeeded by a cluster of red berries. The root is large, rather round, externally inclining to yellow, and internally white. It is perennial; a native of the southern parts of Europe.
Its botanical analogy and its medical virtues render it a good substitute for the arum; and the same pharmaceutic treatment is necessary. See Arum
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