
(From farcimen, stuffing sausage, or hog's pudding). See Aleantois.


(From farcio, to stuff,) in pharmacy, the stuffing of any exenterated animal, or excavated fruit, with medicinal ingredients.


(From the same,) crammed, or full: thus in botany folium farctum is a leaf full of pith or pulp; in opposition to tubulosum and fstulosum, tubular, like a pipe. It is applied also to the stem and pericarpium.

Farfara Farfarella

(From farfarus, the white poplar; so called because its leaves resemble those of that tree). 'see Tussilago.


(From a river of the Sabines on whose banks it grew plentifully). See Populus alba.


(From far, corn, from which it is made). Meal or flour.

Farina Foecundans Impregnating Dust

It is placed on the apices of flowers, and falls on the head of the pistil or female part of the flower, and is thence conveyed to the matrix, in order to impregnate the seed.


(From farina, flower). Under this title are included those substances employed as aliment, called cerealia, legumina, and nieces oleosa, generally distinguished as they contain more or less saccharine and oily matter. Under the title cerealia we commonly find the seeds of several gramineous and culmiferous plants employed as food for men, viz. barley, rye, millet, rice, oats, maize, wheat, buckwheat, salep, chestnut, and potato. The legumina, or pulses, are the pea, bean, and kidney bean: which last are in this country only employed in their young, green state. . The nuces oleosa: are the nut, almonds, walnut, pistachio nut; and some products of others, as chocolate. See Cerealia and Aliment. Cullen's Mat. Med. Farinaceus Panis. See Panis. Farinarium, (from farina, flower). See Alica. Farinha Fresca, and Relada. See Cas-sada. •

Farnesianus Flos

See Battatas Cana-densis.


Corrupted from Favago, q. v. Farrea Nubes, (from far, bran, and nubes, a cloud). See Furfurosi.


(From fascia, a ligament). See Sartorius.


(From fasciculus, a little bundle). In botany it means tuberous, or having the knobs of the roots collected in bundles, as in the paeony.


(From the same,) in botany, leaves growing in bunches, as in the larch tree.


(From fascis, a bundle). A kind of inflorescence, in which the flowers grow close to each other, forming a flat surface, as in the sweet-william. See Manipulus.


A flattish round worm, called the gourd worm, from its resemblanee to a gourd seed; and the fluke, from its resemblance to a worm found in ditches, is distinguished chiefly by a vent hole at the extremity and on the belly. A worm of this kind is found in the liver, sometimes nearly an inch in its longest diameter, and about two thirds of an inch in the shortest. It is rounded on the back, and has eight deep longitudinal furrows in two series. The skin is soft, and in colour of a light brown. It is most commonly found in the livers of sheep which have the disease called the rot, and sometimes in the human liver. Another species is found in the intestines of the bream, and some other fresh water fish. It is of an oval form; but may be extended to some length. One other, the barbata, is white, and found in the intestines of the cuttle fish.