Filius Ante Patrem

The son before the father; because the flowers appear before the leaves. Tussilago is one of these plants, q. v.


(From filtrum, a strainer). See De-puratio. Generally a paper is folded into the shape of a funnel, and then placed in one; through this the liquor passes, and the feculencies are separated.


(See Filtratio.) A stone found in the bay of Mexico, through which liquors are filtered, and particularly turbid or impure water. Flints powdered to different fineness are sometimes introduced into a cylinder for the same purpose; and occasionally the weight of a descending column of the fluid is employed to propel it through the natural or artificial pores of the filtre.

Filum Arsenicale

See Mercurius Cor-rosivus albus.


A, (quasi finibria from.finis, the extremity). Fringe. Those leaves are said to be fimbriated that are jagged about the edges. In surgery this word is synonymous with Catablema, q. v. ' Fimbriates. See Fimbria.


(From fio, to make). Duxg. The dung of many animals hath been used; but the present practice excludes them all. That of dogs is an absorbent.

Fissilis Lapis Hibernicus

(From fissus, cleft, because it is divided into thin layers). Fricus. See Hibernicus lapis.

Fissurae Orbitares Inferiores

See Spheno Maxillares Fissurae.


Fistular. In botany, those flo-are thus called which are compounded of many long hollow small florets, like pipes; and those plants are called fistulous whose stalks are hollow, like a pipe.

Fistulosum Folium

See Farctus.


Fixation. In chemistry it is the rendering any volatile substance fixed, so as not to fly off upon being exposed to an intense heat.

Fl. Lap. The abbreviation of Car. Linnaei Flora Lapponica.


(From ftabellum, a fan, and forma, likeness). In botany it means a leaf, shaped like a fan.


A lash. In botany, a barren twig, a shoot like a thong.


And Flatus Furiosus. See Ambulo.


Flatulence. Vapours rarefied by the heat of the containing part. Distensions, uneasy sensations, and often a considerable degree of pain, are the consequence. The term is confined to wind in the stomach and intestines. In other cavities, it is called tympanites. See Apepsia, Digestio, and Hysteria.

Flavii Clementis Medicamentum

The name of a medicine for the gout, described by Actuarius.


(Quasi Flegmen, from flecto, to incline downwards'). A tumour about the ankles; or callous furrows in the hands or feet.


See Arthritis.


(From fecto, to bend). This applies to the stalk in botany, and means having many turnings, bent differently at every joint.


(From flos, a flower,) belonging to a flower; the leaves which immediately attend the flower.

Flores Antimonii

See Antimonium.


(a dim. of flos,a flower). A floret, or little flower, one of the distinct florets which compose an aggregate flower.


Also Flus,(frorn^uo, to flow). This word, when used adjectively, is applied to signify the habitual fluidity of any substance, implying that it cannot be rendered solid; e. g. a volatile alkali treated with quicklime is always liquid, and cannot be made to concrete or crystallize, so is called fluor volatile alkali, to distinguish it from the common carbonated ammonia.

When the word fluor is used substantively, it signifies a fusible mineral, or one which facilitates fusion. Of this kind are many spars, which are called fluors; and by the word fluor, spar is generally understood. Spar appears like crystal; but less bright, colourless, and pellucid; it commonly rises in triangular points, and is calcareous: it is the same with stalactite.

The spar fluor is a fluate of lime; or calcareous earth with the fluoric acid. Of this spar the ornamental vases and columns from Derbyshire, are made; but it is never employed in medicine.