This section is from the book "The London Medical Dictionary", by Bartholomew Parr. Also available from Amazon: London Medical Dictionary.
A species of exercise with a ball.
And Harpaga, (from to seize). See Succinum. Also a mixture of quicklime and sulphur.
Issues from the Hartfell mountain in the county of Annandale, Scotland. It is quite pure and pellucid; has a chalybeate and so strong a styptic taste, that it was suspected to contain alum; but, by being exposed to the open air, it becomes weaker, and is observed to be stronger in wet than in dry weather, so that it is mose probably a chalybeate; and on evaporation afforded 0.9 of vitriolated iron. Somepor-tion of iron is also suspended by carbonic acid.
This water is recommended in cases where chaly-beates are useful; in menorrhagia, fluor albus, gleets, old dysenteries, in diseases arising from relaxation, and in some circumstances of hectics. It sometimes at first produces giddiness, and consequently small quantities should be first used. A pint is a sufficient dose in one day. See Monro on Mineral Waters.
See Asphodelus luteus.
(From hasta, a spear). Botanically it is applied to a leaf which resembles the head of a halbert.
(A diminutive of hasta, a spear). Splints used in fractures.
(Arabic). Wood; the Arabian name of agallochum, by way of eminence, the wood. It is distinguished by different appellatives, as haud alcumeri; haud hend, and haud heud.
(From haurio, to swallow). A draught. Draughts are only single doses of medicines in a liquid form; vomits, purges, opiates, and such as require great nicety in the dose, are given in draughts. This form of medicines is sometimes employed merely as a vehicle for pills or powders, and is then usually pleasant, and very slightly, if at all medicinal. Highly nauseous medicines, heavy and insoluble powders, or substances which very quickly ferment, are improper to be given in draughts.
See Caoutchouc.
See Hura.
Haversglands. They are the sinovial glands, and called from Havers, who first discovered them.
See Calidum innatum.
See Avellana.
See Hygieine.
(From a week,) one of the febris erraticae.
(From to grow ripe). The hairs which grow upon the pubes; the part on which they grow; or the age when they appear.
See Althaea.
The forty-sixth order of Linnaeus. Fragments of a natural method.
(A dim. of hedera). See Lenticula aquatica trisulca.
From to til). Synonymous with
Apus, q. v.; sometimes with excrement; the basis of an abscess; or the part on which the matter rests: according to Hippocrates, a species of fracture.
He Dricos, (from anus). An epithet for remedies appropriated to the anus.
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