This section is from the book "The London Medical Dictionary", by Bartholomew Parr. Also available from Amazon: London Medical Dictionary.
(From and dock). See Lapathum aquaticum.
(From and honey). Hydromel; mulsum, aqua mulsa, melicratum, braggat. 'water impregnated with honey. After it is fermented, it is called vinous hydromel, or mead.
(From and an apple).
Is made of one part honey, impregnated with quinces, and two parts of boiled water, set in the sun during the dog days.
(From aqua, and matrix). Dropsy of the womb. See Hydrops utkhi.
(From water,and a navel). A tumour of the navel, containing water. See Hydrops umbilicalis.
(From water, and a disease). See Sudor Anglicus.
Ge, (from and a fountain).
Spring water
(From and to break out). See Ephidrosis.
(From water, and the eye). See Proptosis.
(From the same). It is the part under the eye which swells in cachectic and hydropic cases.
(From water, a flatus, and a hernia). A hernia proceeding from a mixture of water and flatulence.
(From and piper; from its pungency, and growing in marshy places). See Persicaria Urens.
(From water,
wind, and flesh,) a tumour, from a mixture of flatulent, aqueous, and carncous substances.
(From water, and a resemblance). Aqueous excretions, common in dropsies.
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