
See Vitriolum.


(From longus, long). See Rectum intestinum.

Longissimus Digitus

See Digitus.

Longissimus dorsi, is a muscle named from its length, and has the same origin with the sacro-lumbaris. It is inserted by several digitations into the ribs on the inside of the upper part of this muscle; between it and the complexus the transversalis colli of Albinus is seated, which runs from the transverse processes of the vertebrae of the back to those of the neck, and raises the body.

Longissimus oculi. See Obliquus major oculi.

Longissimus pollicis manus. See Flexor ter-tii internodii pollicis.

Longus Colli

(From Longus Colli 4775 a lance). Rises from the two upper vertebrae of the back, and is inserted into the three upper vertebrae of the neck. It is made up of two plates, which decussate each other; and receives slips from some of the lower transverse processes of the neck. Its office is to bend the neck. Lonicera Periclymenum. See Capri-folium.


A gum resin, whose source is unknown. It is a stimulant, and supposed to be a resclvent.

Lopeziana Radix

A root brought from Goa, and first described by Gaubius in his Adversaria. It is brought to us in pieces, about two inches thick; of which the woody part is lightish and white, the medullary part more dense and reddish. The bark is rough, wrinkled, brown, soft, and apparently woolly, covered with a paler cuticle. Neither had any striking smell or taste; but it was found highly useful in colliquative diarrhoeas, especially in the last stages of phthisis, appearing to act rather as a narcotic than an astringent. Gaubius thinks that it resembles the sima-rouba.

Lophadia Lophia

(From Lophadia Lophia 4776 the hinder part of the neck). See Spina. Lophia sometimes signifies the upper part of the back of the neck.


Lopima 4777 to decorticate). See Castana.


See Deuteria.


(From Lordosis 4778 bowed or bent inward,) is an incurvation of the spine toward the fore parts; and the opposite to gibbosity. It is synonymous with lumbago, tabes dorsalis, and with a curvature of the legs inward.


(From lorica, a coat of mail). A lute with which glass retorts, etc. are coated, before they are put into the fire.


(From Loxarthrus 4780 oblique, and a joint). An obliquity of the head of bones, and the muscles annexed; of the joint to a degree of deformity, without luxation or spasm.


(Eau de). See Alcali.

Lucidum Sal

(From luceo, Co shine). See G£mmae sal.

Lucidus Lapis

(From the same). See Bononiensis Lapis.


(From luceo, to shine). Diana. See Alilat.

Ludus Helmontii

(From its resemblance to a die). A roundish mass, which seems to have cracked in drying, and the interstices to be filled up by a calcareous matter, which frequently rises above the surface. The whole is an argillaceous clay, and the mass consists of prisms of different sizes separated by the calcareous matter. See Hauy, iv. 455.

Paracelsus described the cubic pyritae, which are like dice, and called them ludi: Helmont mistook him, and supposed this stone, which is mostly divided into squares, by the cracks to be the substance. The spar that fills up the cracks is only to be used; for it is that alone which promotes urine, and is supposed a remedy for the stone.