This section is from the book "The London Medical Dictionary", by Bartholomew Parr. Also available from Amazon: London Medical Dictionary.
Probably sugar, since it is a sweet substance found in cane. Oribasius.
See Origanum.
Assitra, bauhinia variegata Lin. Sp. Pl. 535, the pod bearing Malabarian tree with bifid leaves. The flowers purge; and the roots, if chewed, relieve pains in the teeth. All the species of Bauhinia appear to possess similar qualities.
(From mando, to chew). A jaw. See Maxilla.
Bumana, Mandiipeba, Mandioca. See Cassada.
(From the German man drag-en, bearing or resembling men). Canina malus; dudaim; the Male mandrake, atropa mandragora Lin. Sp. Pl. 259, hath monopetalous, multifid, bell shaped flowers; its fruit is soft, globular, and contains seeds, which are generally kidney shaped. It is common in Spain, Italy, and other hot countries: is anodyne, narcotic, and cathartic; but only used internally as a discutient.
The roots of the marsh mallow, of the arundo, and of bryony, are made to resemble the male mandrake roots.
(From mandrake). The mandrake wine is made by putting half a pound of the bark of the mandrake to nine gallons of wine. After standing three months the process is complete.
(From manduco, to chew). See Masticatio.
(From the same). See Masseter musculus.
(Indian.) Mangas, amba, ambalam,mao, conchifolia, the mango tree, mangifera Indica Lin. Sp. Pl. 290, is a native of the East Indies. The fruit is larger than a goose's egg, flattened, shaped like a kidney, and of a gold yellow colour. It is pickled unripe in the acid milk of the cocoa nut, the kernel filled with garlic, and, in that state, sent to Europe. See Raii Hist.
Manga. See Abalam.
See Zingiber.
L.E. See Guaparaiba.
See Paradisi grana.
See Cassada.
(From mania, madness ). Maniacal.-see Ferina.
See Jacaranda alba.
See Cassada.
(Quod manum impleat). A handful, desme, dragma, fatciculus; as much as can be contained at once in the hand.
A large tree common in the West Indies; nyctanthes arbor trtitis Lin. Sp. Pl. 8; its flowers are distilled, and the water is used in inflammations of the eves. See Raii Historia.
See Curcuma.
(From manna, and fero, to bear ). See Manna.
(From mando, to chew). See Masseter musculus. - Mantile, (from manus). The name of a bandage.
(From manah, to prepare, Chald.). The hand is divided into the carpus, metacarpus, and fingers. The posterior part is convex, for greater firmness, and the internal part concave, for the convenience of grasping. The concave side is called the palm of the hand.
Manus De'i. A resolvent plaster described by Le-mery: an appellation also of opium.
Rara. A tall tree, growing in the East Indies. Its fruit resembles an olive, and is eaten to promote appetite and digestion. The plant is not included in any system.
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