This section is from the book "Your Home And Its Decoration", by The Sherwin-Williams Company. See also: Nell Hill's Feather Your Nest: It's All in the Details.
Ceiling Panels - S-W Flat-tone Ivory 833. Specification No. 33.
Cornice-plaster - Egg and Dart Relief Moulding finished with S-W Flat-tone Ivory 833 and S-W Flat-tone Glaze Colors, Raw Sienna, 1 part and Burnt Sienna, 1/20 part, reduced with S-W Glazing Liquid, and highlights wiped. Specification No. 34.
Ceiling Beam and Pilasters - S-W Ivory White Enamel. Specification No. 19.
Wall - S-W Flat-tone Buff 841 and S-W Glaze Colors; Raw Sienna, 1 part; Olive Lake, 1/2 part; and Burnt Sienna, 1/2 part, greatly reduced with S-W Glazing Liquid. Specification No. 34.
Woodwork - Birch - S-W Ivory White Enamel.
Floor Border - Oak - Natural; three coats S-WMar-not. Specification No. 21.
Curtains - Cream Madras finished with two-inch hem and shirred to hang straight from rod. Over-curtains and Chair Covers - Imported Cretonne, Ivory ground with all-over Rose design in soft Yellow, Rose, Olives, Browns, and Dull Blue, and finished with three-fourth inch flat ivory braid. Rugs - Velvet Wilton with figured center in Buff, Dull Red, Green, and Blue with Plain Green border. Portieres - Green Velour. Furniture - Mahogany upholstered in figured Wool Tapestry, Dull Brown, Rose, Green, Buff", and Blue predominating. Side Light Brackets - Finished with S-W Art Metal finish, "Copper Brown."
Ceiling - S-W Flat-tone Ivory 833. Specification No. 33.
Wall-paper - Colonial Print in Gray and Ivory; geometrical pattern.
Woodwork and Mantel - Birch - S-W Ivory Enamel. Specification No. 18.
Floor - Oak - Natural, three coats of S-W Mar-not. Specification No. 21.
Curtains - Colonial Net, finished to hang straight to sill.
Over-curtains and Valance - Printed Shikii or Cretonne in rich Greens, Orange, Gray, and Blue.
Rugs - Superbus Wilton, manufactured by the Nye & Wait Carpet Co., Auburn, N. Y., plain rich Red, center with two-toned border in darker tones.
Facings and Hearth of Fireplace - Buff" Brick penciled in white mortar.
Furniture - Old Mahogany, Chippendale.
Ceiling - S-W Flat-tone Cream 832. Specification No. 33.
Wall - Two-toned Ingrain Paper in Buff and Brown.
Woodwork - Cornice and Ceiling Beams, Birch, S-W Ivory Enamel.
Specification No. 19. Floor - Oak - Natural,threecoatsofS-WMar-not. SpecificationNo.21. Curtains - White Muslin finished with three-inch ruffle. Rug - Hartford Saxony Rug, Bokhara Pattern in rich Brown, dull Red, Buff, and Green. Fireplace - Facing and Hearth, unglazed Tile 4" x 4," deep Cafe au Lait Color 94 Tile. Furniture - Mahogany.
Ceiling - S-W Flat-tone Buff 841. Specification No. 33.
Plaster Relief Border - S-W Flat-tone Ivory 833 and S-W Glaze Colors, Olive Lake, Raw Sienna, and Permanent Crimson Lake, all greatly reduced. Specification No. 34.
Leaves slightly tinted with Olive Lake, and Fruit in Raw Sienna and Permanent Crimson Lake, highlights wiped. Wall and Woodwork - Oak - S-W Handcraft Stain Brown Oak.
Specification No. 11. Floor - Oak - S-W Handcraft Stain Brown Oak, reduced 300 per cent., and three coats of S-W Mar-not. Specification No. 25. Curtains - Ecru Net. Over-curtains - Green Shikii Silk. Rug - Donegal Rug in rich Brown, Orange, Green, dull Red, and Black. Portieres - Green Velour. Chandelier Shade - Green Silk. Furniture - Finished to match woodwork.
Ceiling - S-W Flat-tone White. Specification No. 33.
Wall - Floral Paper, White Ground with design in Blue, Green, Rose, and soft Cream. Woodwork - White Wood - S-W White Enamel. Specification No. 18. Floor - Oak - Natural, S-W Mar-not. Specification No. 21. Curtains - White Muslin, finished with three-inch ruffle. Over-curtains and Valance - Jaspe Toile in Blue, with finished border in Blue and White. Rugs - Domestic Rugs in Gray, Blue, and Dull Red. Furniture - S-W Enamelastic White.
Ceiling - S-W Flat-tone System Effect No. 1, obtained by S-W Flat-tone Ivory 833 and S-W Glaze Colors; Indian Yellow, 3 parts; Permanent Crimson Lake, 1 part, both greatly reduced. Specification No. 34.
Wall - S-W Golden Brown grass cloth.
Woodwork - Birch - S-W Ivory Enamel. Specification No. 19.
Hand-rail and Treads - Birch - S-W Handcraft Stain Mahogany. Specification No. 16.
Floor - Oak - S-W Handcraft Stain Mahogany, reduced 600 per cent. with S-W Handcraft Stain Reducer, and three coats of S-W Mar-not. Specification No. 25.
Curtains - Unica Madias in Cafe au Lait.
Rugs - Oriental, Kermanshah or Whittall in Oriental designs and colors. Portieres - Rich Red Portieres in Velour or Tapestry. Electrical Fixtures - Burnished Brass.
Ceiling - S-W Flat-tone Cream 832. Specification No. 33. Wall - Striped Ingrain Paper in two tones of Green. Woodwork - Birch - S-W Ivory Enamel. Specification No. 18. Floor - Oak - Natural S-W Mar-not. Specification No. 21. Curtains - Figured Muslin, full length and finished with three-inch ruffle. Over-curtains, Draperies, and Lamp Shade - French Cretonne, Ivory ground and Rose design in Pink and Green. Rugs - Plain Green Drugget with smaller Oriental Rugs in Green, Ivories, Rose, and Old Blue. Furniture - S-W Ivory White Enamel, Wing chair, Mahogany frame covered with Printed Art Ticking in tones of Green and Rose. Electrical Fixtures - Dull Brass.
Ceiling - S-W Flat-tone White 830. Specification No. 33.
Wall - Specially Varnished Paper or S-W Flat-tone Lichen Gray 837. Specification No. 33.
Wainscoting - Keene Cement, marked off to represent Tile and finished with S-W Enamelastic White. Specification No. 20.
Woodwork - Birch - S-W Enamelastic White. Specification No. 17.
Floor - Maple - Natural, three coats of S-W Mar-not. Specification No. 22.
Curtains - White Muslin.
Rugs - Greblo Rugs in Gray, Green, and White.
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