no. When a sign of the r, sh, and / series occurs between two stems, generally the stems Ree, Ish, and Lee are used. Examples:


III. Exceptions. - The following are exceptions to the foregoing rule:

I.   When the outline of a root verb ends with the downstroke El, in writing the present participle the El is generally retained; that is, it is not changed to Lee. See toil, toiling. A similar exception applies when the outline of the root verb consists of or ends with Ef-Er or Vee-Er; the Er being retained in the participle outline. See fire, firing; veer, veering. Generally, however, when the outline of the root verb ends with Er, in forming the outline of the participle the Er is changed to Ree. See jeer, jeering.

II.   Between Ef or Vee and the stem Em, Er is always used; and between Ef or Vee and either of the stems Kay, Gay, or Lee, Er is generally used, unless there is a vowel-sound after the r, in which case Ree is used. See farm to virago.

III.   The upstroke Shee is used instead of Ish after the stems Tee, Dee, Ef, and Vee, and in the word unsheathe. See toyshop, dashing.



Reading Exercise.


Writing Exercise.

112. Charity, torch, tyranny, terrify, dirty, perch, uproar, borrowing, birch, bark, gorge, rarity, merge, marriage, merino, marrying, pushing, cashing, unsheathe, lashing. Jollity, tulip, tallying, dollar, apology, policy, bulge, bellowing, bulky, oblong, calico, gallery, rallying, filch, filth, film, felony, follower, village, milch, melody, mollify, molar. Chilling, dealing, appealing, filing, faring, tiring, daring, pouring, bearing, firm.