Every schoolboy is familiar with how to magnetize an iron nail, bar, or needle by either rubbing it with a magnet in a north-south direction, or by wrapping a coil of wire around it and attaching the wire ends to the poles of a battery.

After much thought on the polarizing properties of running water, it seemed reasonable that ice also would have polarizing qualities. Could we magnetize a needle by using ice?

Magnetizing with ice should be done when there is a steady magnetic field. Sometimes the local field is not a complete magnet or in other words, it is unpolarized. This occurs during major and minor periods, calculated in the solunar tables and other periodic disturbances.*

For this test we used two identical two-gallon water containers made of heavy Poloron plastic. These were filled with water and frozen to 15° below zero. A steel needle was placed with its centre over the exact centre of one lid in a north-south alignment. The second container was placed, centred in the same manner over the needle, and resting on the outer edge of the container's lid. This introduced fields of related energies into the needle. The needle was then left untouched for two hours between the ice.

The needle was magnetized in February, 1966. Yet today, May 22, 1968, it was tested again and its magnetic properties of lifting and attracting are still strong.

*See glossary page 133.

Ice can be used as a reliable carrier wave for certain types of tests. It has the ability to align its atomic spins to the atomic character of the radiation introduced into the centre of its atoms. For example, when water is frozen in a round container and a reading taken at the surface, the north-south direction will be picked up along an imaginary line across the diameter of the surface. This is the predominant pattern. If the container of ice is slightly turned, the atomic spins in the ice will have aligned themselves again to true north and south along another diameter.

During the preliminary stages of our research, we took wave vector readings from bones of dead animals. These had alignments to their Vivaxis similar to those found in bar magnets. When the length of the bone was placed on a level surface and wave vector readings taken, the centre point gave the correct direction. A bone was moistened and a few grains of insecticide sprinkled on it. This was left for ten minutes, then washed and tested for wave vector readings. It had apparently lost the direction to its Vivaxis and no polarity could be detected for approximately twenty-four hours.

If ice can align its atomic spins to the radiation of another, stronger field introduced into its atomic structure, then perhaps could it restore a bone of weak polarity to its original magnetic pattern?

Two leg bones from the same chicken were chosen and the direction of their Vivaxis determined. One was treated with flea powder, then washed off and tested to ensure that its polarity was confused and too weak to detect its original wave channel. The bones were placed lengthwise with their centres touching the ice container at diametrically opposite sides, and both were aligned in the direction of their pre-determined Vivaxis. When the bones were removed after a short period, tests showed re-alignment and re-polarization of the bone treated with insecticide. Similar tests were made with other pairs of bones and in each case the stronger wave circuit of the untreated bone was picked up by the ice and transferred to the bone subjected to the insecticide.

Re-polarizing was used with rewarding results on our beautiful and lovable collie dog. She had become completely and pathetically paralyzed which we strongly suspected resulted from the de-polarizating effects of flea powder. The veterinary we consulted informed us that there was quite an epidemic of paralysis among dogs. The cause was unknown and he firmly stated that nothing could be done to help. The recommendation was to have her done away with.

The folly of us humans at times hits hard between the eyes.

Chicken and other animal bones that have been frozen have been tested. Readings show they have become re-polarized, with a Vivaxis in the deep freeze.

Now our findings began to take on new meaning. I again read and studied articles on bones, especially calcium deposits on bones. I started to experiment, using calcium tablets and animal bones.

The calcium tablets were moistened and portions smeared on the ends of the bones. Then the bones were tested. Readings showed that the calcium appeared to act as an insulator, and alignment to a previously checked Vivaxis was interrupted. Those testing received slight shocks.

We polarized bones with calcium deposits, using the method of the ice in conjunction with its mated bone.

Calcium deposits are known to be one of the main causes of arthritis, and it wasn't surprising that polarizing used by the stricken, brought spectacular improvements.

Our findings were becoming more stimulating and tended now toward more concentration on bones, and the relation to the human body. Yet these properties of ice left much to ponder about. When one considers the immensity of the ice fields in the North and South Poles, with the tremendous energies and energy waves, it can give rise to a great deal of speculation that might account in part for the shifting of the magnetic field.