This section is from the book "Vivaxis, The Spiral Of Life", by Frances Nixon. Also available from Amazon: Vivaxis, The Spiral Of Life.
The method of checking for proof of validity is as follows: A wave-transmitter can determine the location of where a circuit was drawn if testing is done prior to other energies being introduced into the circuit.
C. From point C the angle-wire in the wave-transmitter's hand picks up the direction of your Vivaxis.
Determining the correct direction of a person's Vivaxis is much more simple than tracing an individual, for he is constantly being subjected to many interfering influences. Considerable knowledge and understanding has to be used to gear tests to eliminate all possible interference.
Another person can be linked to your magnetic circuit by introducing their radiation into your carbon circuit through physical contact. This contact may be either by touching hands, or by the other person placing his finger on the carbon circuit drawn by you. The wave-transmitter can determine the sex of the person who has made the contact by the re-arrangement of the pattern of energy waves in the circuit.
Arrangement of energies - two females linked into a common circuit:
Point A - Angle wire points to female # 1, who has drawn circuit.
Point B - Angle wire points to Vivaxis - where the line was drawn.
Point C - Angle wire points to female #2.
Note how the other female now occupies the position on the circuit originally held by the Vivaxis of female # 1, the opposite end of the circuit. If either female polarized correctly to their Vivaxis, a wave-transmitter testing from the centre point of the circuit can immediately detect this. For example, let us suppose female #2 polarized to her Vivaxis. The entire circuit would now become a closed circuit - to her Vivaxis and to herself. The other female wave would be cancelled out immediately from the circuit, along with the original Vivaxis of the circuit, or where the quanta was introduced when the circuit was drawn.
To test for proof: The wave-transmitter can determine within two seconds if one of the persons polarizes to their Vivaxis. He can identify which person it is and he can locate the direction of their Vivaxis.
When a male circuit is linked to the female circuit the procedure is as follows: We will assume the circuit has been cancelled out and a new one has been drawn.
Again the wave vector readings will be:
A. To a female
B. To the Vivaxis of local quanta
C. To the female's Vivaxis.
This time a male will add his radiation to the female's circuit, resulting in a complete re-shuffling of the energy waves in her carbon circuit. Now the points will read:
A. To the male.
B. To the female
C. To the male's Vivaxis.
Note how the female has now changed position in the circuit to the centre point! This is one indication of the sex of the person who has added to her carbon circuit. This type of carbon circuit reading is only adaptable to wave-transmitters whose Vivaxis is located at an altitude below them.
However, a method that can be enjoyed by the majority, regardless of the elevation of their Vivaxis, is done through the use of two angle wires. Here the participant has to be one of the persons whose energy is involved in the carbon circuit. For this test, give the carbon circuit two minutes or longer to gather magnetic momentum before checking. Then check with the use of two angle wires held correctly according to directions in the glossary.
Position the wires so that both horizontals are on the same level, and level with your thyroid. Bear in mind how your thyroid is capable of recording the character of radiations. Stand erect and out of the position related to your own Vivaxis. Also, bear in mind that spectators cause wave interference. This will be illustrated in the chapter following concerning thought waves. Avoid concentration and allow wires to swing freely without messages initiated by you.
You are now temporarily linked into a common Vivaxis with another person through the Vivaxis of the carbon circuit. This is possibly due to the ability of the acid fluids in your system to become influenced by, and to align their molecules up to, the character of radiation introduced by the energy waves. The permanent polarization in your bones is not changed, and you are still in contact with your own Vivaxis. It is only the neurons of your fingers that are recording the temporary added circuit.
Under normal observations the two angle wires alternate between you and the person who shares the carbon circuit. If it is two mature females, the ends of the wire always tend to pull away, repelling each other. If it is a mature female and a mature male, the ends of the wires tend to pull together, pausing and attracting as they pass.
In other tests it is possible to tell if a hair belongs to a male or a female. Their circulating direction of spins appear to be reversed, apparently suggesting a predominance of negative or positive. The analysis of the physics of this remains a mystery to me. Scientists in all probability could throw considerable light on the subject. It is interesting to feel the fundamental pull of energies, attracting in the case of male and female, and repelling in the case of two females. In all probability, the degree of male and female hormones would have a bearing on results.
This type of fact-finding is never in the best interest of your own polarity. One should be cautioned about cancelling out the circuit in the recommended way as soon as possible. Also, to avoid the hazards of atomic disruption, make the test as brief as possible.
We have in these carbon circuits,, graphic illustrations of the potency of polarization in our own systems. Today, science is learning more and more about the atom. The high school and university students of today have the advantage of a far better background knowledge of atomic behaviour than our own generation, and consequently are in a much better position to understand and absorb the full meaning of polarization in relation to ourselves.
The energies in polarization are the energies created by the spins within our atoms. Let us first take a brief look into some of the main parts of an atom. The fundamental known parts are protons, neutrons, mesons, and electrons (see figure 9).
The simplest way to mentally picture the atom is to imagine it as a miniature solar system. In the centre, as the sun, is the nucleus, and around it spin the electrons, as the planets. The nucleus is composed mainly of protons, mesons, and neutrons. Protons are positively charged, neutrons are neutral with no charge, and mesons may be negatively or positively charged. The neutrons and mesons appear to hold the protons together in the nucleus, and the total nucleus is positively charged. This miniature solar system is a busy place. In orbits around the nucleus spin the electrons, which are negatively charged, and this negative charge keeps the electrons attracted to the protons.
Besides its orbital rotation, each electron spins on its own axis, as do the protons, neutrons, and perhaps the mesons. In different materials, these axes are tilted at different angles and in different directions. The direction and degree of tilting appear to depend on the amount of magnetic attraction with which the atoms are associated in their surroundings.
Figure 9. Helium atom.
All matter, (solids, liquids, and gases) is made up of atoms. Different atoms combine to make molecules, and molecules combine to make particles of matter. Basically our bodies are in this category, and atoms and their spins assume a place of great importance.
In the July 1966 issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN there is an article by Gilbert Shapiro on Polarized Accelerator Targets. This is an excellent description of basic behaviour of energy spins within the atom. The following are a few quotations from his article:
Polarization - when nuclear particles are all spinning in one direction.
If the electrons are highly polarized and the solid has the right crystal structure, the local fields at each nuclear site will all be in the same direction. Therefore, the nuclei become polarized as if they were in that same strong field.
On one occasion I took correct wave vector readings from a polarized crystal - polarized to a Vivaxis in South America. It was the same type used in old crystal sets. The strength of its polarity and resulting radiation from its energies had an extremely unbalancing and static effect on the continuity of my own polarity. Even though the strength of its polarity was a great deal stronger than our own, the principle of being polarized to a Vivaxis is the same. Note the last line of the quotation from Mr. Shapiro, Therefore the nuclei become polarized as if they were in that same strong field.
What changes take place within the nucleus of the atom when we polarize? It would appear that the nuclei in some of our atoms, e.g. calcium atoms and molecules, have normally a polarized pattern, coordinated with the energies at a Vivaxis. When we polarize directly into our wave-length to our Vivaxis, we instantly change our system from a partially polarized state to an almost completely polarized state. Billions and billions of atoms are aligning their spins of protons and neutrons parallel to each other - the electrons also coordinating their axes of spin with the nucleus of the atom.
The blood stream, body fluids, and acid fluids in the system coordinate their atomic spins, under the influence of polarizing, into a common alignment to the direction of the person's Vivaxis. This extra energy introduced into the fluids can be detected in samples of blood and saliva for almost twenty minutes after polarizing. Wave vector readings taken from the samples can be used as a check to determine if a person polarized correctly. For only after polarizating are the energies in the fluid samples alive and coordinated enough to have wave vector readings. This acceleration in fluid energies could account for the improved circulation often noted after polarizing.
Your polarized energies are stronger than the local field. In the initial stage of polarizing directly into your wave length, your accelerated energies become briefly stronger than those of the local field until saturation point is reached. In tests, this saturation point can be delayed by creating extra energy through movement while polarizing, i.e. moving your feet up and down or chomping your teeth, providing they have not been X-rayed. More will be said about related energies in the chapter on X-rays.
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