Time Out for Living | by Ernest DeAlton Partridge and Catherine Mooney
This book lists a collection of recreational activities that both children and adults can indulge themselves in. A series of tips and tricks are also discussed that would increase the enjoyment of such activities.
Title | Time Out for Living |
Author | Ernest DeAlton Partridge and Catherine Mooney |
Publisher | American Vook Company, New York |
Year | 1941 |
Copyright | 1941, American Vook Company, New York |
Amazon | Time Out for Living |
- Part 1. Worlds Without End. Chapter One. New Horizons
- Robinson Crusoe had to work nearly all the time in order to keep alive. His method of getting food was necessarily so crude that it took him a large part of his waking hours to keep from being hungry....
- New Horizons. Part 2
- The sudden blast of a trumpet shattered the quiet autumn air. This was followed by the pounding of hoofs and the baying of hunting hounds hot on the trail of a stag. Shortly the pack was in sight, swa...
- New Horizons. Part 3
- A hundred years ago, most people in America worked from daylight to darkness. Of course, this sad condition - nearly all work and no play - no longer exists in most places in America. We have so perfe...
- New Horizons. Part 4
- There is another kind of horizon. It is our mental horizon - our horizon of knowledge. In all ages there have been great explorers pushing back this horizon. Such a man was the Greek philosopher and s...
- New Horizons. Part 5
- More than a dozen subjects are briefly described in this book, and as we think about these subjects it is amazing to realize that the majority of Americans can have more fun and a greater amount of le...
- Part 2. Fun On Foot. Chapter Two. Highlights Of Hiking
- Say, Tom! Mix up a little flour and water, will you? I want to thicken this stew. I think you will find the flour in my rucksack by the tree. Russ had just lifted the lid off the steaming pot of ...
- Highlights Of Hiking. Part 2
- My fire was in all its glory about midnight, and, having made a bark shed to shelter me from the rain and partially dry my clothing, I had nothing to do but look and listen and join the trees in thei...
- Highlights Of Hiking. Part 3
- These clubs have been assisted by local societies and by the guardians of national and state parks. The trails are remarkably well-marked and kept reasonably clear of underbrush and fallen trees. Here...
- The National Parks
- A little more than seventy years ago a group of men were seated about a campfire in the mountains of Wyoming. They were discussing the unusual experiences through which they had gone during the previo...
- The Appalachian Trail
- Would you like to hike from Maine to Georgia through the beautiful and historic Appalachian Highlands? This would be a long walk, but it is possible over mountain trails most of the way. The trail beg...
- Chapter Three. Preparing To Hike
- If you could follow a pair of experienced hikers along the trail, you would be surprised at the ease with which they meet every difficulty that arises. They have a solution to all ordinary problems, w...
- How To Dress For Hiking
- In selecting clothes for hiking it is not necessary to purchase a new outfit according to the latest style. The main purpose of hiking clothes is protection and comfort, and these two things need not ...
- Packs
- Experienced hikers do not all agree upon the best kind of pack. There are many different ways of carrying food and shelter on your back, and just which one is best depends upon many things, such as th...
- How To Make A Pack Basket
- You will need ash splints for weaving, and a willow reed about f of an inch in diameter and 5 feet long for the top of the basket. For the foundation use 17 splints each 1^ inches wide and 5 feet long...
- Pack Frames
- Many hikers prefer a pack frame for carrying their equipment and food. As the name implies, this is a frame, usually of wood and webbing, that is made to fit the back and upon which duffel bags or rol...
- How To Fasten The Harness On The Pack Basket
- Diamond-O Pack Frame.* The Diamond-O Pack Frame meets many of the requirements that experts will lay down for good packs. It is strong, light to carry, and comfortable on the back. This frame is not v...
- Cooking Equipment For A Hike
- There are a few pieces of cooking equipment that are essential to the hiker. This equipment need not be expensive. With a tin can, some wire, and a pair of tin snips, several handy articles can be mad...
- Packing For A Hike
- Food There are many tricks about packing food that help lighten the work of the hiker. For example, waterproof bags are unequaled as containers for loose foods, such as rice, beans, dried fruits, f...
- Chapter Four. On The Trail
- Hiking, like many other things, needs to be planned carefully if one is really to enjoy it. There are certain rules of the game that need to be observed if the hiker is to come home safely and in good...
- On The Trail. Continued
- Some Things To Avoid There are relatively few dangers associated with hiking if one is skillful and intelligent. Snakes are greatly overrated as a menace and can almost be ruled off the list of dan...
- Food On The Trail
- After hiking several hours through the woods, there is nothing like a well-cooked meal. Out of doors the appetite has a way of growing rapidly, and food tastes especially good if the hiker has learned...
- Garbage And Refuse
- One of the first things an experienced camper learns is how to dispose of garbage and other refuse properly. Some camping authorities advise burying everything of this kind. Burying is not entirely sa...
- Chapter Five. How To Enjoy Hiking
- Most real hikers like to have companions on the trail. This is why there are so many hiking clubs throughout the United States. Beautiful things are usually more attractive when enjoyed with some othe...
- Variety In Hiking
- To one who is not familiar with the different types of hikes the sport of exploring the woods may seem limited in its appeal, but to experienced hikers and campers this is not the case. To them hiking...
- The Fun Of It
- At first, when one is learning to hike and camp, the fun comes from making his own equipment, planning menus, studying maps, and practicing cooking and other skills that one must learn in order to be ...
- Part 3. The Twang Of The Bowestring. Chapter Six. Archery For Inn
- Alyce Maiden reached for the phone to call her friend Maris. Some time earlier, she had promised to take Maris to see one of the local archery tournaments and this seemed like a grand opportunity. The...
- Archery For Inn. Part 2
- When the first round was in full swing, Tony noticed a very interesting thing. The contestants were grouped in sets of four. Each one would take a turn at shooting three arrows at the target and then ...
- Archery For Inn. Part 3
- There were lighter moments, too, such as the Novelty Shoot for the juniors. These young archers aimed at balloons, filled with lighter-than-air gas, fluttering in the breeze. Before the day was over b...
- Archery For Inn. Part 4
- There are special tournaments that can be planned according to the season of the year. For example, near Thanksgiving time the outline of a turkey can be fastened on the target and points worked out a...
- Chapter Seven. The Story To Date
- Keen and low Doth the Arrow sing The song of the bow, The sound of the string Your Majesty, the Prince is in danger. His barons bid you send some men-at-arms immediately! The messenger, breat...
- The Battle Of Crecy
- The longbow won this important battle and perhaps changed the course of history. Sixteen different times the French attacked, and each time they were met by the speeding arrows of the English. Once...
- The Battle Of Crecy. Continued
- As long as the bow was used as a weapon, the English took archery very seriously. Edward IV enforced a law that required all men from the ages of 16 to 60 to practice archery on all holy days. Henry V...
- Chapter Eight. Oh Shoot!
- As in any other sport, the archer needs certain articles of equipment. He must have a bow, arrows, an arm guard, and some sort of finger protection. There are other accessories which may and usually d...
- Selecting Your Equipment
- It is truly difficult for an inexperienced archer to judge good equipment solely from its appearance and cost. For this reason, it is far better for you to select a reliable company and let them equip...
- Shooting Technique
- Shooting a bow and arrow is far more technical than shooting a gun. It requires more than just steadiness of eye and arm. You have to supply the motive power behind the arrow, not merely aim as a rifl...
- Shooting Technique. Part 2
- Drawing In order to send the arrow from the bow, you must draw the string back and release it. The easiest way to do this is to pull the string with three fingers of your right hand and to push aga...
- Shooting Technique. Part 3
- Range Stick When you begin to shoot at several different distances during practice, you will want to have a range stick. This piece of flat wood - a tongue presser or piece of old arrow will do - w...
- Care Of Equipment
- Care Of The Bow A bow is made to draw a definite length of arrow. It must not be drawn farther than the longest arrow which its capacity allows for. Obviously, you cannot tell how far back you are ...
- Part 4. Heavens Above. Chapter Nine. Star Gazing
- We are all in the very center of the universe and the world is built around us - so we think. Why shouldn't we think this? As far back as we can remember we have seen land, buildings, and water about ...
- Our Solar Family
- Next to the earth, the most important object in the universe for us is the sun. Without the sun we would not only be in darkness, but we would almost immediately perish from intense cold. The Solar...
- Our Solar Family. Continued
- Venus presents phases, as our moon does, since its orbit is inside that of the earth. Venus is so far off that when it is projected against the sun it appears to be about the size of a small circular ...
- The Real Stars
- When we leave the solar system, we come to the spaces between the stars. These distances are so vast that it is not easy to describe them as a certain number of millions of miles. Some idea of the dis...
- The Constellation Of The Great Bear, Or Ursa Major
- The tail is the handle of the Dipper. One way to learn the constellations and the names of the stars is to take any star atlas and find on the chart the Great Bear. Remember that the tail of the Be...
- An All-Season Star Map
- Turn the map until the proper month comes at the bottom. You can then see how the northern heavens appear at about 9 p.m. Use the North Star (Polaris) to get your bearings. Another way to understan...
- A Meteor
- When astronomers are photographing the sky, they sometimes accidentally photograph a meteor. A meteor, or shooting star, is in the upper center of this picture. The cluster near the lower edge is th...
- Sun Spots
- If the eyepiece is taken from a small telescope or powerful spyglass and a sheet of white paper moved back and forth at the place where the eyepiece was, a position will soon be found where a distant ...
- Variable Stars
- Our sun seems to give the same amount of light year after year. Scientists in the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, D. C, have proved that this is not so. The sun's heat does vary a little from y...
- Making A Telescope
- Making your own telescope is a fascinating astronomy project. At first that sounds like a big job, but it is surprisingly easy. Many hours of careful work are necessary, it is true, but when compared ...
- Part 5. Odd Collections Some People Make. Chapter Ten. Collecting As A Hobby
- All of us seem to have one thing in common - we like to acquire things that appeal to us and set them aside for our very own. Sometimes they are very useful objects, such as old boxes, clothes, or the...
- A Collection Of Old Mustache Cups
- In the days of the flourishing handle-bar mustache, these cups were used by gentlemen to keep their mustaches out of their coffee. It is in just this way that many collections start. Traveling ab...
- Collecting Things From Other Days
- Many collectors are interested in objects that were once very common but for various reasons have fallen into disuse and become scarce. No doubt many things that are a matter of everyday use to us now...
- Books, Pictures, And Other Things
- There are many people who collect books of various kinds. A man in New York City has spent years gathering old dime novels. He has thousands of them now and intends to turn them over to the Library of...
- Pictures And Autographs
- Collecting pictures and autographs of famous people is a hobby that takes time and tact. One man has made a hobby of collecting old telegrams. Through this interesting pastime he has traced several...
- The Little Things In Life
- One man has made a collection of the smallest objects in the world. His collection was on display recently in New York and attracted hundreds of people. There were books so small that the print could ...
- Clothes And Craftwork
- Among some of the unusual collections are those that center about clothing of one kind or another. Even bed clothing is no exception to this. Collecting fine old quilts is a hobby that many housewives...
- How To Make A Collection
- It is not easy to explain in general terms how to make a collection. Each particular kind of collection has its own romance and method of display. If you are collecting rocks of various kinds, a small...
- How To Make A Collection. Continued
- Authors' manuscripts Autographed, presentation and association books Bindings Bookplates Books by one author or all editions of one book Books illustrated by one artist Books with coats-of-arms on ...
- Part 6. The Song Of Leather. Chapter Eleven. Feeling The Romance Of Leather
- Take in your hands a piece of heavy leather, such as a belt or the sole of a shoe. Twist it back and forth slowly and listen to it sing. Close your eyes as you continue to twist the leather. You are h...
- Braiding
- Long before there were such things as buckles and snaps, man had invented various kinds of knots and loops to tie his harness. He had also learned how to braid small strands of leather and other mater...
- Braiding. Continued
- The Turk's-Head Ending Now there are two more things that the craftsman should know about braiding before he can go ahead and make articles. One is the Turk's-Head ending and the other is the slidi...
- Chapter Twelve. Decorating Leather
- No doubt you have often wondered how beautiful leather articles like those shown in the above picture are made. You may have wondered if you can make them yourself. Yes, you can make them, or articles...
- A Simple Leather Project
- Perhaps the best way to describe the various steps in decorating and assembling leather articles is to explain in detail the making of a simple little coin purse. The first step in a leather projec...
- Stamping Leather
- Leather can be decorated very easily and satisfactorily by stamping. Cowhide strap leather and heavy steerhide are most satisfactory for this purpose, although small stamps can be used on the lighter ...
- How To Make A Belt
- A belt is an interesting, useful, and rather easy project to make, once the stamping tools have been completed. You can secure the leather for such a belt ready cut from one of the leather-supply hous...
- How To Make A Belt. Continued
- The redrawn design is once more traced in its completed form. It may be used singly, as it is now, to fill a certain space on your material, or repeated double, double reversed, or in whatever manner ...
- Part 7. Hollywood At Home. Chapter Thirteen. Generally Speaking
- Many years ago your great-grandfather may have made your grandmother laugh by showing her how small pictures on cards appeared to move if he ran the cards past his thumb quickly. Your great-grandfathe...
- Making Movies At Home
- Making movies is quite different from taking pictures with a still camera. Movies usually need more careful planning and more skillful photography. There are a great number of steps in the whole pro...
- Chapter Fourteen. Producing A Movie
- In general, there are two kinds of home movies: those that tell a definite story and those that report a trip or some other series of events. The difference between these two kinds of movies is the di...
- Movies Without A Scenario
- When one is taking pictures of a camping trip, a visit to the city, or a bicycle expedition, it is not possible to plan the scenes beforehand. Too many interesting things happen on the way that cannot...
- Film
- In making still pictures, some of the most interesting parts of the whole process are developing, printing, and enlarging pictures. With movies, all of these tasks are left to the company that produce...
- Taking The Pictures
- There is much to learn about the proper way to take moving pictures. If the pictures are not properly taken, they will not give good reproductions on the screen. One learns many of the tricks by exper...
- Editing The Film
- The job of editing the film after it has been returned from the developing process is interesting and also very important to the final movie. If the movie has been produced according to a scenario, th...
- Editing The Film. Continued
- Tricks With Movies There are many interesting tricks that can be performed with movies. These tricks add to the interest and variety of the film. Some of them you have seen in Hollywood productions...
- Part 8. Presenting Mr. Puppet. Chapter Fifteen. Off On An Adventure
- Charles Adams Gibson is known as Chuck to his friends for no better reason than that it is much easier to say Chuck than Charles. The most interesting thing about his name, however, is not the Cha...
- Off On An Adventure. Continued
- Some Puppet History Then Mr. Adams told us about the history of puppets. I never knew history could be so interesting. Maybe it was the small size of the workshop; maybe it was the way he illustrat...
- Chapter Sixteen. Preparing A Show
- Deciding On A Play Of course, one of the first things to do when preparing for a puppet show, according to Mr. Adams, is to study the story you wish to produce and decide what characters are necess...
- Making Marionettes
- How To Make The Marionette's Head One of the first things to do when making marionettes is to build a stand upon which the head is molded. This stand is known as the armature, and is made from a on...
- Chapter Seventeen. Setting The Stage
- Scenery We all thought that those in charge of scenery would have a tough job devising ways by which the scenes could be changed quickly. But with the help of our master puppeteer, Mr. Adams, and b...
- How To Operate Puppets
- Hand Puppets Of course, it was necessary for all of us to become experts in the manipulation of all kinds of puppets. It did not take us as long as we had feared because we were all so interested i...
- Putting On A Show
- Perhaps the most fun we had was putting on the show. Even while the marionettes and hand puppets were being made, we held short rehearsals several times a week, using old puppets Mr. Adams lent us or ...
- Part 9. Music For Moderns. Chapter Eighteen. Our Heritage Of Music
- Music in Modern Life. Hop into our fast airplane. We are going to take a quick trip over one of our American cities to see how important music is in modern life. As our machine roars up toward the clo...
- Design From A Greek Vase
- To the ancient Greeks music was an important subject. They not only sang and accompanied their singing, but they also used music as a theme for painting and sculpture. Between these early flutes an...
- Instruments Of Bygone Days
- The Greek lyre, on the left, was used for striking chords to accompany singing. It was never used alone. The double pipe, shown in the center, was developed from the simple reed. At the right is an ei...
- Instruments Of Bygone Days. Part 2
- The music we have today had its greatest impetus in European countries during the sixteenth century. It was then that music became an important part of court life. During the social occasions at court...
- Instruments Of Bygone Days. Part 3
- The next lap of the musical trail brings us to very recent times and what is referred to as the Modern School. This Modern School includes many different kinds of music. For example, there is the Impr...
- Exploring In The Music Country
- Man has always been fond of exploring. The young man who sets out to explore the mountain trail has the same yearning for new adventure as that which took Marco Polo to China. Since it is not possible...
- Music Collections
- There are many good collecting hobbies in the music field. The collection of musical programs is a fascinating hobby for anyone who enjoys musical explorations. With the co-operation of your friends, ...
- Chapter Nineteen. Helpful Invensions
- The Magic Of Radio Press a button, turn a dial, and almost instantly your radio comes to life. You are now ready to select speeches, music, plays, or news from the air. The magic of radio! Aladdin ...
- The Phonograph
- Did you ever stop to think how many things there are today that would have astounded your great-great-grandfather? He would certainly have thought you were talking about strange things if you mentione...
- Record Collecting As A Hobby
- Have you ever thought of record collecting as a hobby? It is growing to be a very interesting and exciting pastime for scores of people. For, instance, many of the fine records of yesterday are no lon...
- Chapter Twenty. Enjoying Music
- Music, like many other things in life, can best be enjoyed in association with others. There are many advantages in having a congenial group of friends who are interested in becoming acquainted with t...
- A Music Souvenir Book
- A great symphony orchestra finishes a concert. The last round of enthusiastic applause finally dies down. The audience is beginning to leave the concert hall. Scores of people are flocking to the stag...
- Part 10. At Home With Leisure. Chapter Twenty-One. Some Things To Do At Home
- Back in those dear, dead days beyond recall folks used to think, say, and sing that there was no place like home. Now, in our age of changing civilizations, there are so many interesting things goin...
- Recreation In The Backyard
- If you are lucky enough to have a backyard, that is, some open space just outside the back door, there are a great number of games you can set up to play with your friends. Maybe you have the old-fash...
- Clock Golf Course
- Of course, all this doesn't mean that flowers, birds, bees, and trees are excluded. Ab-so-lute-ly not! The more, the merrier. The better the setting, the more enjoyable the games. Some Interesting ...
- Chapter Twenty-Two. Entertaining At Home
- When the doorbell rings and merry voices forecast company for a few hours, don't get the Old Mother Hubbard Heebie Geebies. Have some boners in your cupboard - or pleasure chest - or whatever you ...
- Come On Over To My House
- One of the most enjoyable types of entertainment at home is the very informal affair that is organized on the spur of the moment. Such events may happen when a group of friends drop in unexpectedly, o...
- Come On Over To My House. Continued
- A Musical Evening As young people get older they are apt to become more and more interested in good music. Those who play instruments are especially glad to get together with their friends to play ...
- If You Are A Guest
- Invitation Received There are many things a guest should consider, and if you are the right kind of guest you will do the right kind of thing. Usually it is polite to let the host or hostess kno...
- Chapter Twenty-Three. Some Party Ideas
- To help you to see the great number of possibilities there are for different kinds of parties, several suggested parties are outlined in this chapter. No doubt you can think of other ideas that would ...
- A Cruise Party
- Imagine receiving a mysteriously worded invitation to a cruise from a friend of yours. Wouldn't it fascinate you? You would most likely want to be there with bells on, for there is something especiall...
- Barn Dance
- Dear Diary: Tonight Dick and I went to the cleverest Hallowe'en party at Mary's house, or rather in her barn. This is my first barn dance, but I hope not the last. It was so much fun. Several days ...
- Paddy Party
- St. Patrick's Day gives that top o' the mornin' feeling that's as good as a spring tonic! Here are a few suggestions for a party. No doubt you can think of many more that would suit your own home an...
- A Big Broadcast And An Automobile Party
- A Big Broadcast If you have ever been fortunate enough to see a real broadcast, you can plan a broadcast party very easily. It is good for a small home where there is no room for active games. The ...
- The Gypsy In Us
- For spring, summer, or fall there is nothing better than a Gypsy party. This is especially good for a club or class, because it needs preparation by quite a large number of persons if it is the succes...
- Noah's Ark
- Could you resist an invitation like the one above if it came to you? As you might expect from one who would make up such an invitation, the party is worked out in keeping with the invitation, as yo...
- Part 11. The Silver Screen. Chapter Twenty-Four. The Movie Comes Town
- About the year 1040 a.d. two men in China succeeded in printing from a press with movable type. Historians have rated this invention one of the most important in the long life of man on this planet. B...
- The Movie Comes Town. Continued
- Ads Outside The Theater Usually the theater displays colorful announcements of coming attractions outside the theater many days in advance. By experience you have no doubt learned that these ads so...
- The Effects Of Movies Upon People
- Scientists who have studied the movies and their effect upon people have found that nothing else that man has ever invented causes people to learn in the way that moving pictures do. Not only do those...
- Chapter Twenty-Five. Appreciating Movies
- Why? Two men were walking along a crowded street of a large city. One was a naturalist who had come into the city to visit his friend for a few days. As they walked along, the man from the country sud...
- The Marks Of A Good Story
- Sometimes, when you have seen a movie that did not please you, you may have found it difficult to decide just where it fell short of the mark. You have a feeling that something is missing but you do n...
- Chapter Twenty-Six. More About Appriciation
- Settings And Costumes Few of us who sit in the audience of a motion picture theater have even a slight idea of how much work there is in preparing the costumes and settings. What we see in a few mi...
- The Actors
- Next to the writers, the actors are the most important part of the picture. All other things are designed to aid them in doing their part. Music, lighting, and stage setting are all woven together in ...
- Directing
- Of all those who have something to do with the actual filming of a movie and who do not come before the camera, the most important is the director. His task is a tremendous one and his ability or lack...
- Photography
- Camera Ready If you ever had an opportunity to get a close look at one of the modern sound cameras used in Hollywood, you would see that the job of cameraman is no simple one. Without a skillful ca...
- Improving The Movies
- Should the Movies Be Improved? If you were to compare the movies that are produced today with those of ten or fifteen years ago, you would see a great change. Movie producers have learned much in a de...
- Part 12. Waiting For Inn. Chapter Twenty-Seven. Whats Right About Writing
- One of the most enjoyable things a person can do is to share an experience with others. Hiking over hill and dale, playing a lively game, giving an unusual party - all the things suggested in this boo...
- An Ancient Carry-Over
- One of the earliest forms of letter was the quipu, or knotted cord, still used by the Incas of Peru. No doubt you've sent a message to yourself in this way and never knew that it was an ancient carry-...
- Messages Down The Ages - Egyptian And Mayan
- Ever since men were able to talk, different people in the different parts of the world have been trying to invent new ways to say what was on their minds. And what a task it was! The Egyptians carved ...
- Babylonians And Chinese
- For complicated forms of writing we give the laurel to the Babylonians and the Chinese. The former called their effort cuneiform writing and it came into vogue about 3000 b.c. For everyday informat...
- Phoenicians
- Now, in this maze of experiments with expression, there arose along the busy eastern shore of the Mediterranean a commercial nation with a bent for sailing. Sailors from Phoenicia roamed along the sho...
- A Bit Of Philosophy
- There is much talk today about the correct philosophy of life - getting oneself in harmony with the world about one. A change of attitude, a mental adjustment, they say, is needed to keep us in tune. ...
- Chapter Twenty-Eight. How To Get Going
- A True Story A few years ago a group of college students touring the West were entertained during the long drive up Pikes Peak in a high-powered motor car by a very interesting driver, who wove col...
- Writing Letters
- Who's the one in your community that everyone is glad to see? They watch for him with eyes full of hope and expectation, and no matter what he brings them they accept with a feeling of gratitude. Even...
- Some Excerpts From Life
- Good letters are the springboards for those who wish to dive right into the sea of writing. Just be yourself and make a note of it! Here are a few letters written by just plain folks who know the tric...
- Keeping A Diary
- Next to letters, about the most popular form of writing today is the diary. In fact, almost all of the best letter writers keep some sort of book in which they jot down their impressions from time to ...
- Illustrating The Diary
- Keeping a diary today is all the more interesting if you can illustrate it yourself, and you can. It is not necessary to have an expensive camera to do it, either. Photographs always help, of course; ...
- Chapter Twenty-Nine. Fun In Writing
- Look carefully at all the people you meet during the coming week. If any one of them especially catches your fancy, note his habits, his features, his physical setup, his dress. Take a piece of paper ...
- Fun In Writing. Continued
- Don Marquis, one of our own American authors, WTOte a book a few years ago about a cockroach named Archy and called it archys life of mehitabel In it the roach pretends that he is a human being, and i...
- Rhymes And Rhythm
- Have you ever sat on the seashore and watched the waves pound on the beach? The roar of the surf is so regular that you can close your eyes and know when the next wave will come rumbling in. Sometimes...
- A Writing Club
- Why not be on the lookout for others who like to write? There is nothing that so stimulates good writing as an informal little club of a few people interested in expressing themselves on paper. Run it...
- Part 13. Hobbies That Help. Chapter Thirty. Good Deeding
- One Good-Deeder During the early part of the last century, when the Middle West was first being settled on a large scale by white men, there lived an interesting character who devoted his life to a...
- A Local Museum
- A group of Indian students on the reservation at Cherokee, North Carolina, through their teacher became interested in some of the historical relics that were being picked up by farmers who plowed thei...
- A Hobby Center
- Here is a suggestion that might help others in your community to learn of some of the interesting things which are suggested in this and other books. Those who are not able to go to day school would n...
- Good-Deeding With The Arts
- You have no doubt heard the word art used a great deal. Do you know exactly what it means? If you were to read books about the subject, you would find that they did not all agree exactly upon a defini...
- An Art Exhibit
- This picture shows part of the auditorium of the high school at Springville, Utah, during one of the school's annual national exhibits. You see, it is one thing to know how to play an instrument, b...
- Helping Others To Health
- This scene took place in a small rural school in Missouri. The teacher called the roll. Tom Smith, she said, looking up. There was no answer. Does anyone know where Tom is today? I think...
- Safety Service
- Closely related to health is the matter of safety. In modern society with its fast-moving vehicles, high buildings, electricity, swimming pools, and crowded streets there are coundess opportunities fo...
- Improving Your School
- Does your school have everything it needs? If it does, it is probably the only one of its kind in the United States. Usually there is not sufficient money available to get some of the important things...
- Beautifying Surroundings
- In Worcester, Massachusetts, there is a city within a city. Garden City it is called, and it is a community of boys and girls incorporated under the state laws of Massachusetts. The Junior Citizens of...
- Part 14. Fine Feathered Friends. Chapter Thirty-One. Who Are These Birds?
- A Friendly Army Invades Every spring the entire continent of North America is invaded by an army many times larger than the army of any modern nation. Swiftly and effectively this great host, numbe...
- The Lure Of Bird Lore
- Aside from the tremendous contribution that birds make to man each year, they are extremely interesting in themselves. One who has become acquainted with the habits of the feathered folk cannot help a...
- How To Look For Birds
- Looking for birds is just as much an art as skating or swimming. Most people who walk through the woods do not see many birds because the birds know of their coming long before they arrive upon the sc...
- Identifying Birds
- Learning to identify birds in the field is no simple matter. Very often all you will get is a short glimpse of the bird as it passes by, or you may not see it at all but simply hear its call from far ...
- Classifying Birds
- Scientists have classified birds according to families. This you will want to do, too, when you become more familiar with them, but for the present it will probably be well to learn the common names a...
- Chapter Thirty-Two. More About Words
- Birds As Travelers There are no living creatures on earth that travel as much as do our feathered friends. True, there are a few men who travel around and around the earth and others who keep on th...
- Residents And Non-Residents
- Not all birds travel, of course, at least not to the far South. Generally speaking, there are four types of birds in any one locality during various times of the year. There are the residents who stay...
- Bird Builders
- Coming North to rear a family is not the simple thing that one would suspect. Besides traveling long distances, the bird must cope with countless enemies and antagonistic forces of nature. Snakes, cat...
- How To Be A Bird Landlord
- To many people the most interesting part of bird lore is that of building birdhouses and renting them out to the feathered folk. Offhand one might think that the houses are given to the birds free, an...
- Bird Restaurants
- Feeding and watering stations are greatly appreciated by the birds, especially in the seasons when food is not plentiful. Watering places in which birds can bathe are always useful. Again, be sure tha...
- Photographing Birds
- A new angle of bird lore has developed in the last few years for those who like to follow the careers and antics of their feathered friends. Small cameras and extra- sensitive film now make it possibl...
- Part 15. All Roads Lead To Roaming. Chapter Thirty-Three. The Auto Is With Us
- Three hundred years! That's a short period of time when you think about the whole long history of man, yet if you contrast life in America today with that of 1620 in old Plymouth there is an amazing d...
- The Auto Is With Us. Continued
- Naturally, this tremendous growth in the number of automobiles has changed life greatly. Hundreds of new occupations have suddenly sprung up to cater to our needs. Families ride many miles from home t...
- Chapter Thirty-Four. Getting Acquainted
- Far too few families know how to use the automobile intelligently. There are endless opportunities for travel and enjoyment that can be had for little expense, provided you know where to look for them...
- Good Road Manners
- The automobile is such a recent development in the history of the human race that man has hardly yet learned co-operation in the use of it. A man who is courteous and considerate at home or in the off...
- Aids To Safe Driving
- Sometime when you are out on a long trip in the car, make a point of seeing how many devices have been invented to promote safety in driving. You will find scores of examples. The fences that border t...
- In Case Of Accident
- Most of us will at sometime during our lives be near or actually involved in an auto accident. Statistics show that nearly 1,200,000 persons are either killed or injured in automobile accidents in an ...
- Chapter Thirty-Five. Fun With The Family Car
- Owning an automobile today is really a great privilege. No king or emperor as late as fifty years ago enjoyed the comfort, speed, and safety of a modern car. The modern motorist can even have excellen...
- How To Find Places Of Interest
- There are many ways to discover the recreational facilities about you. A few ways are outlined below. The best general rule is, keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Much of the information about...
- Family Camping
- A few years ago, family camping was impossible except for the few who could afford to own or rent a summer cottage. Today, however, state and national parks make it possible for the family with limite...
- An Education Through The Windshield
- In addition to being good recreation, there is great educational value in travel with an automobile, provided, again, that you know how to capture these values. In the modern world there is little exc...
- As You Roll Along
- Even as you roll along the road, there are scores of interesting things that can be noted. If you like engineering, for example, there will no doubt be new bridges to study along the way. If photograp...
- Part 16. Taking At Easy. Chapter Thirty-Six. Resting With Results
- Surrounded By Savages During the Boer War in Africa, Major Burnham, an American scout, was serving on the side of the British. Several hundred thousand natives in the heart of the Dark Continent we...
- Wanted: Relaxation
- Most of us in modern society are in much the same position as these two scouts were, except that we have not found the ability to relax completely when the proper time comes. The bushes around us are ...
- Restful Places
- Surroundings have a great deal to do with relaxation. Just what environment is best for a given individual depends upon many different factors. However, there are a few suggestions that should be of h...
- Restful Times
- Knowing just when to rest is an important thing. People from other lands are constantly telling us that we Americans do not know how to let go. We do not know how to set apart a certain time of the ...
- Sounds, Smells, And Colors
- Many of the things that help us to rest are the result of experiences way back in our childhood. A particular smell, or sound, or even color will help us rest if it has been associated with restful ti...
- Restful Activities
- Now, lest you get the idea that the only-way to relax is by shutting yourself off from the world and lying down on a couch, it will be well to remember that there are many activities that in themselve...
- Chapter Thirty-Seven. Where Has All These Been
- Far out west in the Rocky Mountains, where the golden eagle soars majestically around the pinnacles of great peaks and the quaking aspen trees quiver in the thin mountain air, a boys' camp nestles com...
- Hiking Trails In The National Parks
- Acadia National Park, Maine Acadia is primarily a trail park and contains within its boundaries at the present time some 150 miles of trails and footpaths, reaching every mountain summit and transv...