Notice is Hereby Given, that the undersigned, in compliance with the requirements of the Revised Statutes of the United States, have this day located and claim 1500 linear feet along the course of this lead, lode or vein of mineral-bearing quartz, and 600 feet in width on each side of the middle of said lead, lode or vein, together with all mineral deposits contained therein, and all the timber growing within the limits of said claim, and all water and water privileges thereon or appurtenant thereto, situate in the No Name Mining District, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and more particularly described, and the surface boundaries thereof marked upon the ground, as follows, to-wit:

Beginning at this monument of stone, same being at the discovery shaft (at which this notice is posted), being in the center of the westerly end line of said claim; thence northerly 300 feet to a monument of stone, same being the northwest corner of said claim; thence easterly 1500 feet to a monument of stone, same being the northeast corner of said claim; thence southerly 600 feet to a monument of stone, same being the southeast corner of said claim; thence westerly 1500 feet to a monument of stone, same being the southwest corner of said claim; thence northerly 300 feet to the place of beginning.

The general course of the vein or lode is easterly and westerly, and at right angles therewith, and along either side of said vein, making parallel end lines 300 linear feet from the center of said auartz lode, vein, ledge or deposit, and along same, including all its dips, variations, spurs, angles and veins.

This claim shall be known as the North Tunnel Quartz Mine, and is situate at the head of Penn Gulch, in the Big Dalton Canon, and is the northeast extension of the South Tunnel Mine.

Located this 15th day of February, 1905.

The date of discovery and of the posting of this notice is February 15th, 1905.

Frank Smith, )

Alex. Brown, ) Locators.

James Robinson, )