Table based on the following formula, for estimating the value of strips of lot 25 feet wide, from one inch to one hundred and twenty-five feet, for each inch of depth, and from one hundred and twenty-five feet, to two hundred feet for each foot of depth,

No 84 Davies Rule 19No 84 Davies Rule 20No 84 Davies Rule 21No 84 Davies Rule 22No 84 Davies Rule 23No 84 Davies Rule 24No 84 Davies Rule 25No 84 Davies Rule 26No 84 Davies Rule 27No 84 Davies Rule 28

Example: To find the value of a lot 110 feet 7 inches deep, a standard lot being worth $75,000, multiply $75,000 by 1.06 = $79,500.

For depths of more than 200 feet or where greater accuracy is desired than three places of decimals, use the formula, in which Y= the proportion of value of lot in question to value of standard lot, and X= the proportion of depth of lot in question to depth of standard lot.