This section is from the book "Real Estate Principles And Practices", by Philip A. Benson, Nelson L. North. Also available from Amazon: Real Estate Principles and Practices.
Table based on the following formula, for estimating the value of strips of lot 25 feet wide, from one inch to one hundred and twenty-five feet, for each inch of depth, and from one hundred and twenty-five feet, to two hundred feet for each foot of depth,
Example: To find the value of a lot 110 feet 7 inches deep, a standard lot being worth $75,000, multiply $75,000 by 1.06 = $79,500.
For depths of more than 200 feet or where greater accuracy is desired than three places of decimals, use the formula, in which Y= the proportion of value of lot in question to value of standard lot, and X= the proportion of depth of lot in question to depth of standard lot.
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