I. An E. County Of Virginia

An E. County Of Virginia, bordering on the Potomac, bounded S. W. by the Rappahannock, and drained by Aquia and other creeks; area, 335 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 6,420, of whom 1,485 were colored. The surface is hilly, and the soil along the Potomac is moderately fertile. Gold has been discovered, and excellent granite and freestone are found. The Richmond, Fredericksburg, and Potomac railroad intersects the county. The chief productions in 1870 were 30,763 bushels of wheat, 99,057 of Indian corn, 39,586 of oats, 1,070 lbs. of tobacco, and 3,174 of wool. There were 942 horses, 1,408 milch cows, 1,893 other cattle, 1,428 sheep, and 3,393 swine. Capital, Stafford Court House.

II. A W. Central County Of Kansas

A W. Central County Of Kansas, intersected in the N. W. by the Arkansas river; area, 900 sq. m. It is not included in the census of 1870. The surface consists chiefly of undulating prairies.

Stafford #1

Stafford, the county town of Staffordshire, England, on the left bank of the Sow, 125 m. N. W. of London; pop. in 1871, 14,437. The town is situated on low ground, and is mainly well built of stone or brick. A Norman castle, several times demolished and rebuilt, once occupied a commanding position not far distant. Since 1810 a massive castellated structure has occupied its place. Among the prominent public buildings are the county hall, a jail, infirmary, lunatic asylum, library, and mechanics' institute. A free grammar school was established in 1556. The church of St. Mary is the most costly and conspicuous. The Trent Valley railway and a canal are near. There are extensive manufactures of leather, boots and shoes, and cutlery. Public markets are held for the sale of cattle, horses, wool, and cheese.