Taylor, the name of six counties in the United States.

I. A N. County Of West Virginia

A N. County Of West Virginia, intersected by the Tygart's Valley river; area, 130 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 9,367, of whom 343 were colored. The surface is very hilly, and the soil in some parts fertile. Iron ore and bituminous coal are abundant. The chief productions in 1870 were 28,684 bushels of wheat, 95,439 of Indian corn, 45,166 of oats, 10,305 of potatoes, 97,233 lbs. of butter, 17,233 of wool, and 6,710 tons of hay. There were 1,685 horses, 1,791 milch cows, 4,638 other cattle, 6,000 sheep, and 2,651 swine; 4 tanneries, 2 iron founderies, 5 flour mills, 7 saw mills, and 2 machine shops. Capital, Pruntytown.

II. A W. County Of Georgia

A W. County Of Georgia, bounded N. and E. by Flint river and drained by Whitewater and other creeks; area, about 400 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 7,143, of whom 2,962 were colored. The surface is undulating and the soil generally fertile. It is intersected by the Southwestern railroad. The chief productions in 1870 were 5,962 bushels of wheat, 119,269 of Indian corn, 6,491 of oats, 16,344 of sweet potatoes, and 3,559 bales of cotton. There were 348 horses, 654 mules and asses, 1,320 milch cows, 3,463 other cattle, 1,159 sheep, and 6,339 swine; 1 cotton factory, 2 flour mills, and 9 saw mills. Capital, Butler.

III. A N. County Of Florida

A N. County Of Florida, bounded S. W. by the gulf of Mexico and W. by the Ocilia river, and drained by several streams; area, 1,100 sq. m.; pop. in 1870,1,453, of whom 79 were colored. The surface is level and the soil sandy. The chief productions in 1870 were 20,625 bushels of wheat, 9,535 of sweet potatoes, 244 bales of cotton, 6 hogsheads of sugar, and 4,369 gallons of molasses. There were 117 horses, 1,040 milch cows, 4,340 other cattle, and 4,650 swine. Capital, Perry.

IV. A N. W. County Of Texas

A N. W. County Of Texas, drained by Clear fork of Brazos river; area, 900 sq. m.; returned in 1870 as having no population. The surface is mostly table land, with little timber or water.

V. A Central County Of Kentucky

A Central County Of Kentucky, drained by affluents of Green river; area, about 275 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 8,226, of whom 1,850 were colored. The surface is hilly and the soil fertile. The chief productions in 1870 were '27,744 bushels of wheat, 239,581 of Indian corn. 55,867 of oats, 11,959 of potatoes, 1,209,-830 lbs. of tobacco, 17,040 of wool, 95,869 of butter, and 1,219 tons of hay. There were 2,414 horses, 1,689 milch cows, 2,306 other cattle, 8,046 sheep, and 13,508 swine. Capital, Campbellsville; VI. A S. W. county of Iowa, bordering on Missouri and drained by East Nodaway, One Hundred and Two, and Platte rivers; area, 560 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 6,989. The surface is generally level and the soil fertile. The chief productions in 1870 were 56,852 bushels of wheat, 438,089 of Indian corn, 85,886 of oats, 38,507 of potatoes, 33,868 lbs. of wool, 120,167 of butter, and 14,174 tons of hay. There were 2,744 horses, 2,559 milch cows, 6,898 cattle, 9,953 sheep, and 10,568 swine; 2 flour mills, 3 saw mills, and 1 woollen factory.

Capital, Bedford.

Taylor #1

I. Stephen William

Stephen William, an American educator, born in Adams, Mass., Oct. 23, 1791, died at Hamilton, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1856. He graduated at Hamilton college, N. Y., in 1817, and became a teacher. From 1838 to 1845 he was professor of mathematies and natural philosophy in Hamilton college (now Madison university), from 1846 to 1851 president of the university of Lewisburg, Pa., and from 1851 till his death president of Madison university, of which he published a historical sketch.

II. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin, an American author, son of the preceding, born in Lowville, N. Y., in 1822. He was educated at Madison university. For many years he was literary editor of the Chicago "Evening Journal," and during the civil war he was its principal correspondent with the armies of the west. After the war he settled at La Porte, Ind. He has published "The Attractions of Language" (1845); "January and June," essays and poems (1853); "Pictures in Camp and Field" (1867); "The World on Wheels," railroad sketches (1873); "Old Time Pictures and Sheaves of Rhyme" (1874); and "Songs of Yesterday" (1875).